Linda Sarsour | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 3
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For some years we’ve been reporting about how Jews are being ostracized, intimidated and even physically assaulted based on their identification with Israel. As we’ve documented, on some college and university campuses, the harassing conduct of anti-Israel and pro-BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions) groups is so severe and persistent that it’s starting to interfere with the ability of Jewish and Zionist students to benefit from the educational and extra-curricular activities and opportunities offered at their schools.

The New School, a liberal Manhattan-based university, has garnered considerable controversy over a program on antisemitism that’s currently scheduled for Tuesday, November 28. The program is titled Antisemitism and the Struggle for Justice and it is designed to promote a book by Jewish Voice for Peace of a similar name. Criticism of the event has been almost entirely focused on the university’s “misguided invitation” to Linda Sarsour and the “absurdity” of this self-identified anti-Israel firebrand and boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement “poster girl” being asked to discuss the nature of contemporary anti-Jewish hatred and how best to tackle it.

It seems like ancient history, but the original and replacement Travel Orders were meant to be temporary, to provide time for a security review. Those Orders were demagogued as "Muslim bans" when they clearly were not. They applied to the seven highest risk countries for terrorist visa infiltration as identified by the Obama Department of Homeland Security. What ensued were outrageous lower and appeals court decisions against the Travel Orders that read frequently like political manifestos.

90s rock legend Courtney Love Cobain took Linda Sarsour, co-chair of the Women's March to the woodshed Wednesday. We've documented Sarsour's history of anti-Zionism, her love of Sharia law, and her attack on Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a victim of female genital mutilation. Love's disgust for Sarsour seems to stem from Sarsour's involvement with a Somali woman named Rahma Warsame. Sarsour, along with CAIR, allege Warsame was violently assaulted by a white man Saturday. They allege the man said, "you all will be shipped back to Africa" before beating Warsame, further claiming the man they believe responsible has a long history of making racially charged statements. Sarsour and CAIR have encouraged the investigation of the incident as a hate crime and are working to raise $100,000 for Warsame.

Linda Sarsour has rocketed to progressive fame by expertly playing upon liberals' need for virtue signaling. Sarsour talks a good game about everyone getting along, but demands that Zionist women be excluded from the feminist movement and embraced convicted terrorist murderer and immigration fraudster Rasmea Odeh (Featured Image above). She has given speeches at a Farrakhan-sponsored event, and thinks it's the "definition of courage" for Palestinians to send out little children to throw rocks. Sarsour posted a vile tweet attacking Ayaan Hirsi Ali in 2011, which we highlighted in #WomensMarch Co-Chair Linda Sarsour’s Twitter attack on victim of female genital mutilation:

Big Bang Star Mayim Bialik has a strong response to Palestinian activist Linda Sarsour's claims that a Zionist cannot be a feminist. Sarsour's attack on Zionist feminists took place in a column in the far-left The Nation magazine, Can You Be a Zionist Feminist? Linda Sarsour Says No. Sarsour has generated much controversy because while she claims to be a progressive, she endorses Sharia law and has viciously attacked people like Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Sarsour tweeted that Ali should not even be allowed to have a vagina; that was a particularly malicious accusation given that Ali underwent female genital mutilation as a child.

This is getting good. The Women's March had a good turnout. But even if you use the wildest stats, it turned out about 2.5 million people nationwide, or less than 1 percent of the population. And that was under incredibly favorable circumstances -- a Saturday so no one had to miss work, the day after the Inauguration, glowing media fawning, and a coalition of several dozen organizing groups including unions, who provided buses and other logistical support.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali appeared on FOX News Wednesday night and was asked by host Martha MacCallum for her response to Women's March organizer Linda Sarsour. Sarsour posted a positively vile message against Hirsi Ali on Twitter last week in which she suggested Hirsi Ali and Brigitte Gabriel, another outspoken critic of Sharia Law, don't deserve to be women: "I wish I could take their vaginas away." Considering that Ali was a child victim of force female genital mutilation, this was a particularly cruel attack.

Linda Sarsour was co-chair of the Women's March, even though she was not one of the founders. Sarsour and two other "women of color" who would become the faces of the march were selected by the white female founder Bob Bland:
The idea started with women on Facebook. On the night of Donald Trump’s surprise victory in November, a grandmother in Hawaii named Teresa Shook went online and called for women to storm the capital on Inauguration weekend. “At the same time, 5,000 miles away, I was doing the same thing,” explains Bob Bland, a female manufacturing entrepreneur in New York City. “Within an hour we’d found each other, merged our events, and we were off to the races.” By the next morning, thousands of people from across the U.S. had signed up to join what could become the Women’s March on Washington.

Tension between old-school white liberal feminists and those who want to include racial identity politics in the movement is something we have written about for years, including in this 2014 post, #WhiteWomanPrivilege meets Festivus: The airing of bitter intra-feminist racial grievances:
We have noted before the tensions between white liberal feminists and non-white liberal feminists. Sometimes it breaks out into a Twitter War, as it did when #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen hashtag unleashed bitter intra-feminist racial grievances.

As reported the other day, Congressman Keith Ellison from Minnesota has the backing of several top Democrats to become Chair of the Democratic National Committee, Top Dems rally around radical Keith Ellison for DNC Chair:
The lesson Democrats are learning from the evisceration of the Democratic Party at the state level, the continuing loss of control of Congress, and the defeat in the presidential election is not that Democrats need to move back to the center. No, it’s that Democrats need to move not just further to the left, but to the fringe left. Several top Democrats, including Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Chuck Schumer, are backing Keith Ellison, Democratic Congressman from Minnesota, as the next DNC Chair [as] Daily Kos reports....

We wrote recently how BDS is a settler-colonial ideology, in that it invades, conquers, and subjugates other movements to advance anti-Israel actvism. There are few instances where this is more apparent than Dream Defenders, one of the key groups in the Black Lives Matter movement. Dream Defenders was initially formed to protest ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws in Florida, in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting. Yet, following the pattern of many organizations who organize under the ideology of 'intersectionality', Dream Defenders has transformed itself from an organization fighting for a change in the criminal laws of the state of Florida, into one which is identified with the bizarre attempt to link Black Lives Matter to the Palestinian cause. The struggle to protect young black men in Florida and elsewhere in the U.S. from allegedly unlawful police violence apparently also involves 'liberating' Palestine, i.e. the destruction of the state of Israel, and bizarre crushes on terrorist organizations like the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. How? Why? What is the connection? Everything's connected, say advocates of intersectionality.

We wrote recently about the Black Lives matter platform statement (under the name MB4L: Movement for Black Lives) and, in particular the “Invest-Divest section,” which attacks Israel and accuses Israel of ‘genocide’ and being an ‘apartheid state’. As reported, the statement was condemned by the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of Boston, and the Anti-Defamation League. Subsequent condemnations were issued by the American Jewish Committee, the Union for Reform Judaism, as well as the more left-wing J-Street (the liberal “pro-Israel, pro-Peace” lobby group), and T’ruah: the rabbinic call for human rights.

We have dealt many times with the issue of promoting children to throw rocks at Israeli soldiers. It was one of the reasons there was such an uproar when Bassem Tamimi appeared before third graders in Ithaca, NY, and advocated the children become "freedom fighters for Palestine." It's also one of the dramatic aspects of the current violence -- whether called an "Intifada" or not. Young children and teens are pushed to the front or take it on themselves to attack. Like the 16 year old who stabbed two elderly Jews in Jerusalem and went after police before he was shot dead: Then I saw this tweet.