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Kamala Harris Tag

Joe Biden announced this week that he is putting Vice President Harris in charge of protecting voting rights. Biden made this move to reinforce the Democrat narrative that minorities suffer from voter suppression. It's all about their efforts to prove a need for their HR1 Bill, which would radically alter the way we conduct elections.

***UPDATE: The NY Post now reports that "only one known copy of the book was given to a child." Ever wonder what amazing things your tax dollars finance?  Wonder no more.  Apparently, tax payers are footing the bill for the distribution of Kamala Harris' children's book that is being distributed to illegal alien children held in substandard, inhumane conditions.

Where the divisive and democracy-crushing impact of leftist identity politics meets cancel culture meets shutuppery is perhaps nowhere more apparent than in the rabidly pro-Kamala Harris online mob known as K-Hive.  Questioning anything she says or doesn't say, does or doesn't do, draws the K-mob and its screeching "racist," "misogynist," and "white supremacist/privilege" attacks.

President Joe Biden once again referred to his vice president as "President Harris." From Fox News:
"When President Harris and I took ..." Biden said, before momentarily pausing, "a virtual tour of a vaccination site in Arizona not long ago, one of the nurses on that tour injecting people, giving vax each shot, was like administering a dose of hope."