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Kamala Harris Tag

California Senator and likely presidential candidate Kamala Harris spread a misleadingly edited video of Brett Kavanaugh's hearing testimony, falsely claiming Kavanaugh views birth control as the equivalent of abortion. From that, the argument goes, if Kavanaugh voted against Roe v. Wade, birth control would be banned.

Many pundits, including myself, have warned that the increasingly vitriolic tone of Democratic Party leaders will eventually lead to even more actual attacks on supporters of President Trump and addition to the ones we have already recorded. This warning has gone unheeded, as the Democrats have continued to gin up their base using edited videos, staged camera shots, and outright hostility. It appears that the fear-and-loathing approach has worked, inasmuch as a Republican congressional candidate in California District 15 was attacked by a man uttering curses at President Donald Trump and wielding a knife.
A Republican congressional candidate in California fended off a knife attack on Sunday — and an election sign helped the candidate keep the attacker at bay, authorities said.

Like a drowning person, the opponents of Brett Kavanaugh are desperately trying to grab onto anything. Having failed to rattle Kavanaugh, either through questioning by Democrat Senators or shouting by alt-left protesters in the hearing room, Democrats have taken to bold-faced lies, like that peddled by Kamala Harris about contraceptives. And bizarre presidential campaign posturing, like Cory Booker

Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) is the latest Democrat to jump on the deception shuttle to, she hopes, the White House in 2020.  She tweeted an 11-second video of soon-to-be Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in which he says, "Filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objected to."

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanugh's hearings begin today at 9:15AM in front of the Senate Judiciary committee. More than likely Kavanaugh will face a lot of questions about abortion and executive power. We will cover the hearings live every day.

Senate Democrats are grandstanding in the worst of fashions, hoping to delay the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh, Trump's second pick for the Supreme Court. Their latest stall tactic is purely political and one that's in the simplest of terms, silly -- they're demanding what amounts to volumes of documents going back decades. These documents, they claim, would provide insight into Kavanaugh's legal mind and also they belong to the people because of democracy and other totally unrelated nonsense.

The Rhode Island Senate race between incumbent Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse and Republican challenger Robert Flanders is not on anyone's radar as competitive. It should be.

Senator Cory Booker appeared at the Netroots 2018 conference. Netroots is the annual gathering of far-left ("progressive") activists. For presidential hopefuls hoping to generate buzz among the base, Netroots is a must. This year Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, and Cory Booker were among the speakers.

Following Hillary Clinton's second failed attempt to win the presidency, a few leftwing pundits ventured the opinion that the Democratic Party should reconsider putting all of its eggs in the identity politics basket.  That didn't last long, however, and the left clumsily embraced "intersectionality" in the form of #TheResistance.

The last time we visited the Environmental Protection Agency, its regulation-slaying head Scott Pruitt had resigned over “the unrelenting attacks” on him and his family, which “are unprecedented and have taken a sizable toll on all of” them. As I suspected, the left's victory over Pruitt was hollow. Acting EPA Chief Andrew Wheeler has directed the agency to ease Obama-era standards on the disposal of coal ash, a move expected to be the agency’s first revision of the standards.

Yesterday I blogged on the latest Axios poll on a few Senate races, which show that the Democrats face losing seats in the chamber. The opposite has happened in House races as The Cook Political Report changed ratings in 10 races and seven of those moves favor the Democrats. The publication's monthly review also revealed that Democrats have a slight edge to win the 23 states they need to take over the House.

Rematch. REMATCH! In Hillary's mind, and the minds of #TheResistance, Hillary Clinton is the rightful president. Because (a) the Electoral College is a stupid thing and she won the popular vote, (b) the Russians rigged the election, (c) James Comey, having refused to prosecute Hillary despite overwhelming evidence, tanked Hillary's campaign at the last minute, and (d) Trump is unfit, uncouth, and undeserving, and his supporters are deplorable.