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Joe Biden Tag

Obama's goal of reversing the ban on transgender troops serving openly in the military seems likely to manifest itself next year.  Reports suggest that the transgender ban is slated to end in May, 2016.  In keeping with the Obama policy and perhaps angling himself to run to the left of Hillary and to the right of Sanders, Joe Biden announced Saturday that he backs transgender troops openly serving. The New York Times reports:
Vice President Joe Biden is throwing his unequivocal support behind letting transgender people serve openly in the military, as the Obama administration considers whether and when to lift the longstanding ban. Biden's declaration at the Human Rights Campaign's annual dinner Saturday goes further than anything the Obama administration has said before, evoking memories of when Biden outpaced President Barack Obama in endorsing gay marriage. . . . . Biden is considering running for president. He says transgender rights are "the civil rights issue of our time."
During the same dinner, Biden applauded gay rights activists for "changing the course of America." The Hill reports:

A new USA Today/Suffolk University poll shows that Hillary Clinton's numbers have taken a dive since July, when she commanded 59% support for her nomination. This summer Bernie Sanders drew just 14% of the support of those polled, with an undeclared Joe Biden still raking in 8% support. Now, polling shows that Clinton's support has dropped almost 20 points to just 41% of likely Democratic primary voters. Sanders and Biden, meanwhile, have gained ground, earning 23% and 20%, respectively. She's still in the lead, but the field is spreading out---which could mean bad news for the left's presumptive nominee. More from The Hill:

Fledgling campaigns tend to focus on the most high profile primary states---Iowa and New Hampshire---as a source of both grassroots power and media exposure. They're good places to build a profile; but what if your candidate already has a huge profile, and the campaign experience to match? You expand, of course. Vice President Joe Biden's "Draft Biden" PAC is doing just that. Biden has been teasing the idea of a presidential run for some time now, and a senior advisor to the PAC confirmed to the media today that the outfit is staffing up its operation in the 11 states that are set to host their primary elections on "Super Tuesday."
“We’re very pleased with the organizing we’re doing in the early states. The goal of Draft Biden has always been to build out the infrastructure Vice President Joe Biden will need if he decides to enter the race," said Josh Alcorn, a former Beau Biden adviser. News of the was first reported by Reuters. "We’re looking beyond the early states, to Super Tuesday and the contests in March, and looking forward to expanding our team in the coming weeks. When he’s ready, we’ll be ready."

We are in the midst of another Operation Stop Hillary. And it's working. Hillary's negatives are up, her trustworthiness down. The first word that comes to mind is Liar, followed closely by dishonest. Joe Biden is the opposite. Sure, he's a gaffe-monster. He's a little goofy. He's been wrong more than just about anybody on just about everything. He's a bloviator. And he can be nasty, for example when he accused Republicans of wanting to put blacks back in chains. But he has something Hillary will never have. Believability. This interview on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert shows it.

As Hillary lags in the polls and her unfavorables soar, Draft Biden makes significant moves in Iowa. The Hill reports:
The group urging Vice President Joe Biden to launch a 2016 bid for the Democratic presidential nomination announced Friday that two longtime backers of Biden have signed on as co-chairs in the early-voting state of Iowa. . . . .  Draft Biden also announced on Friday that around a dozen Iowa elected officials have signed on to the effort as committee members, as well as a pair of political operatives, to direct organizing efforts in the state. The staff moves lend new credibility to the budding effort to convince the vice president to run against former secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the party’s front-runner. . . . .  The Draft Biden announcement on Friday also came on the same day that news emerged that Clinton's campaign would spend $4 million in ads in Iowa and New Hampshire over the next two months.

As Hillary Clinton continues to stumble over scandals and sink in the polls, speculation is growing around the possibility of a Joe Biden run for 2016. A trip to Florida by the VP this week is fueling the fire. Ed O'Keefe of the Washington Post:
A speech. A party fundraiser. In Florida. Clinton? Sanders? No, Joe Biden. Rarely has a speech on the importance of community colleges been more closely scrutinized. That was the central theme of remarks delivered by Vice President Biden on Wednesday at one of the nation's largest universities -- at least, the stated theme. The other, which he only hinted at, was the political subtext: Still grieving from the death of his oldest son, Biden is weighing a presidential bid. And until he makes his 2016 decision, everything he says and does will be viewed through a campaign prism... "Look at all the press you’ve attracted," he joked to the crowd packed into a sweltering classroom at Miami Dade College. "Their interest in community colleges has impressed me. I hope that’s what they’re going to write about." The speech was the first stop on an itinerary that marks the vice president's most active political trek since his son Beau Biden, the 46-year old former Delaware attorney general, died of brain cancer in May. Close friends and aides say the vice president is still undecided about making a late entrance into the Democratic race dominated by Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is slipping in polls, and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who is enjoying a summer surge.

Speculation abounds as to whether or not Joe Biden will run for President. Amy wrote earlier about a possible endorsement from the President, and now there is word that Barack Obama has given Biden his official 'blessing' to run:
Vice President Joe Biden received President Barack Obama's "blessing" to make a 2016 bid for the White House, according to a senior Democrat. But that's if Biden chooses to run -- the decision is his. While he doesn't need the President's permission, of course, a potential presidential candidacy was among the topics of their lunch Monday at the White House. The President made clear he would not stand in his way or counsel him against a run, the senior Democrat said.
While Biden is trying to downplay things, he's scheduled to meet with some important people this week:
The Vice President was expected to huddle at his home Monday night with Anita Dunn and Bob Bauer, the husband-and-wife team who have been at Obama's side for much of the last decade, two people familiar with the meeting told CNN. Steve Ricchetti, the Vice President's chief of staff, was also expected to attend.

CNN reported last night that President Obama has given his blessing to a 2016 presidential run for Vice President Joe Biden. This news isn't completely unexpected but as Legal Insurrection readers know, it will change the landscape of the Democratic Party's 2016 primary, especially if Elizabeth Warren is involved. From CNN's report by Jeff Zeleny and Peter Morris:
Obama gives Joe Biden 'blessing' for 2016 bid Vice President Joe Biden received President Barack Obama's "blessing" to make a 2016 bid for the White House, according to a senior Democrat. But that's if Biden chooses to run -- the decision is his. While he doesn't need the President's permission, of course, a potential presidential candidacy was among the topics of their lunch Monday at the White House. The President made clear he would not stand in his way or counsel him against a run, the senior Democrat said. The Vice President was expected to huddle at his residence Monday night with Anita Dunn and Bob Bauer, the husband-and-wife team who have been at Obama's side for much of the last decade, two people familiar with the meeting told CNN. Steve Ricchetti, the Vice President's chief of staff, was also expected to attend.

With Hillary on the ropes over the small matter of an insecure email server, and Elizabeth Warren coyly refusing a public anointing, Democrats appear ready to pull out a wild card just in time for the 2016 primary cycle. Vice President Joe Biden has proven himself to be a savvy politician and excellent campaigner. His occasional exploits quickly transition from offensive to meme-worthy, making him the sort of candidate who has the potential to further endear himself to American voters by way of his willingness to toe the line between charm and spectacle. Of course, the White House is treading carefully on the prospect of a Biden candidacy; with Obama's former Secretary of State all-in for the nomination, a sudden backing of Biden could translate as an abandonment of the Democrats' last great Idea Whose Time Has Come---a woman in the Oval Office. During todays' White House press conference, ABC News correspondent Jon Karl pressed Earnest on the possibility of Biden fielding the presidential endorsement:

There has been speculation Joe Biden may run. There has been speculation Elizabeth Warren may run. Either of them individually would be a dream come true for the pure theater of it (and with Warren, for some other reasons). But together, it will have the conservative media and blogosphere shouting "Thank You God!" Could it be? Consider this unexpected development, first reported by CNN, Biden meets with Warren in Washington:
Vice President Joe Biden met privately with Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Saturday in his residence at the Naval Observatory, CNN has learned, another sign he is seriously deciding whether to jump into the Democratic presidential race. The meeting between Biden and Warren, confirmed by two people familiar with the session, is the biggest indication yet that Biden is feeling out influential Democrats before announcing his intentions.

The Democratic Party side of the 2016 Presidential race got a bit more intriguing this week, after Vice President Joe Biden released a zeppelin-sized trial balloon:
Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and his associates have begun to actively explore a possible presidential campaign, which would upend the Democratic field and deliver a direct threat to Hillary Rodham Clinton, several people who have spoken to Mr. Biden or his closest advisers say. Mr. Biden’s advisers have started to reach out to Democratic leaders and donors who have not yet committed to Mrs. Clinton or who have grown concerned about what they see as her increasingly visible vulnerabilities as a candidate. ...On Saturday, the New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd reported that Mr. Biden had been holding meetings at his residence, “talking to friends, family and donors about jumping in” to challenge Mrs. Clinton in Iowa and New Hampshire, the first two nominating states.
There can be no doubt that the Democratic Party is rethinking its coronation strategy. Legal Insurrection has chronicled Hillary Clinton's problem-riddled campaign. The "highlights" from last month alone include these chestnuts.

If there's one thing the Democratic Party could use right now, it's another aging white politician to run for the 2016 presidential nomination. Vice President Joe Biden seems ready to answer the call. Linda Feldmann of the Christian Science Monitor:
Will Joe Biden run for president? Drumbeat picks up. WASHINGTON — Vice President Joe Biden has long harbored dreams of being president. He’s run twice before, clearly relishes political life, and has yet to rule out a third try – even as Hillary Clinton dominates in fundraising and in polls of Democrats. After the death on May 30 of Mr. Biden’s beloved elder son, Beau, such talk was put on hold. But in recent days, speculation has begun to soar. New York businessman Jon Cooper, a former Obama fundraising bundler now working on a draft effort to get Biden into the race, told the Monitor Thursday that he puts the probability of Biden running at 80 percent.

If you think the mainstream media is not out to elect Hillary Clinton in 2016 every bit as much as it was for Obama in 2008 and 2012, then you need your head examined. The multi-day and ongoing demand that Scott Walker verify that Obama is Christian and loves America is a good example. Why is it that Republican candidates and politicians are required to verify the bona fides of Democrats? Here are three questions I have yet to hear Obama or any Democrat asked:

1. Should Joe Biden stop touching women without consent?

2. Is Elizabeth Warren Native American?

Joe Biden made headlines Tuesday when he publicly canoodled the wife of newly appointed Secretary of Defense Carter. Our friends over at the Washington Free Beacon compiled this epic super cut of Biden's handsy habit: Nia-Malika Henderson of the Washington Post wrote, "Some tipping point has been reached with Biden, it seems. While it used to be chalked up to Biden being "Uncle Joe," it's increasingly being described as "creepy."" On this point, I wholly agree because it is creepy.

Uncle Joe was spotted publicly creeping on women again wielding his charm earlier today. This time, the victim was the wife of newly appointed Secretary of Defense, Ashton Carter. Carter was sworn in by Vice President Biden today.

Liberals in politics and media are placing all their eggs in Hillary's basket for 2016 but remember: When it comes to presidential elections, Iowa is a very important state and as Lee Rood of the New York Post points out, Hillary may have a problem:
Is Iowa already sick of Hillary Clinton? DES MOINES, Iowa — If you’re a die-hard Democrat in New York hoping to overcome the disappointment that was Nov. 4, you’re worried. But here in Iowa, where the first-in-the-nation caucuses are a mere 14 months away, some are breaking into a cold sweat. Most party leaders here will assure you all conversations about the 2016 presidential nomination still begin and end with Hillary Clinton. The former first lady and secretary of state is a sentimental favorite. Though she has not formally announced her candidacy, her well-oiled super PAC may be the most deeply rooted ever at this stage in the Hawkeye state. “I don’t know of any party regulars or activists who are really pushing anyone else,” says Jerry Crawford, who co-chaired Clinton’s 2008 campaign in Iowa and helps lead Ready for Hillary in the state. But that may be the problem. Familiarity breeds if not contempt, then frustration.
Do you know who else isn't excited about the prospect of a Clinton run? Joe Biden.