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Jill Stein Tag

It's time to revise Andy Warhol's famous quote and say that in the future, everyone will be investigated for colluding with Russia for fifteen minutes. The Senate Intelligence Committee will now examine the campaign of Green Party candidate Jill Stein because someone must have colluded with Russia, right?

Wisconsin's presidential recount is over, done, and the results official. Trump remains the winner, gaining 131 votes over Hillary. Failed Green Party presidential candidate, Jill Stein, forked over $3.5 million for a hand recount, claiming she wanted to ensure the integrity of America's election process. It's probably just coincidence she chose to test the veracity of our electoral process in the three states Hillary was projected to win, but failed. In any case, Trump still wins:
In Wisconsin, officials said Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton by 22,748 votes out of about 3 million cast — an uptick of 131 over his initial advantage over Clinton.

U.S. District Judge Paul Diamond was not impressed by Jill Stein's request for a statewide, presidential ballot recount. Monday morning, Judge Diamond denied failed Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein's recount request. From the wires:
A federal judge on Monday issued a stinging rejection of a Green Party-backed request to recount paper ballots in Pennsylvania's presidential election, won by Republican Donald Trump, and scan some counties' election systems for signs of hacking.

The Wisconsin presidential election ballot recount is winding down. With a completion deadline of December 12, most counties are finished recounting their ballots. According to the Wisconsin Election Commission's spreadsheet, with the exception of Milwaukee, which counts its absentee ballots differently, most other counties have completed their recounts:

Is it finally "over over" in Jill Stein's impossible dream to recount votes in Michigan? Here's hoping so. After the Michigan mid-level appellate court ruled against her, and a federal judge dissolved an injunction that had kept the recount alive, Stein's only hope was that the state Supreme Court would rule in her favor. But first, the state Supreme Court had to agree to hear the case. And it just declined to do so. The Detroit News reports:

Failed Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein's recount scampaign isn't going quite as planned. The recount never made it off the ground in Pennsylvania and both federal and state courts agreed there was no need for a recount in Michigan as Stein did not qualify as an "aggrieved candidate". It's day nine of the state-wide presidential ballot recount in Wisconsin and a federal judge refused to halt the recount, which is mostly complete, saying the recount results won't affect the outcome.

It's day seven in the presidential vote recount instigated by failed Green Party presidential candidate, Jill Stein. As of today, the recount is 70% complete. The deadline to finish is 8:00 PM, December 12.

UPDATE (by WAJ): At about 7:45 p.m. tonight the District Court dissolved the TRO that kept the recount going, effectively ending the Michigan Recount since the state court ordered a halt. Full Order at bottom of post:
.... Because there is no basis for this Court to ignore the Michigan court’s ruling and make an independent judgment regarding what the Michigan Legislature intended by the term “aggrieved,” Plaintiffs have not shown an entitlement to a recount under Michigan’s statutory scheme....

Failed Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein sued for a recount in Michigan. That suit has created tension between Michigan's state government and the federal government. Tuesday evening, Michigan's Court of Appeals ordered a halt to the recount, saying Stein was not an aggrieved candidate who would benefit from a recount. At the same time, the 6th Circuit ruled the must proceed.

We've been following the Wisconsin recount efforts instigated by failed Green Party presidential candidate, Jill Stein. Wisconsin's deadline is 8:00 PM, December 12. All reports indicate they're on track to complete the recount on time. The recount has been remarkably drama-free and as we blogged yesterday, very little has changed in terms of ballot counts.

Failed Green Party presidential candidate launched recall bids in 3 states. We've been monitoring the Wisconsin recount closely. So here we are on Recount Day 5 and there's very little change. Local press report a drama-free process. From Channel 3000, Madison:
Both Clinton and Trump lost 20 votes each in the six counties that had finished as of Monday morning. Trump won Wisconsin by about 22,000 votes. The recount that began Thursday was requested by Green Party candidate Jill Stein. She also requested recounts in Michigan and Pennsylvania.

On Saturday night it was announced that the Green Party had dropped its recount efforts in Pennsylvania. CBS News in Pittsburgh reported:
Green Party Drops Statewide Pennsylvania Recount Green Party-backed voters dropped a court case Saturday night that had sought to force a statewide recount of Pennsylvania’s Nov. 8 presidential election, won by Republican Donald Trump, in what Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein had framed as an effort to explore whether voting machines and systems had been hacked and the election result manipulated.

If you're just joining the Wisconsin recount fiasco, see here and here. Friday, two pro-Trump super PACs filed a law suit alleging the Wisconsin recount is unconstitutional because not all ballots are treated equally. The suit also expresses concern about the possible forfeiter of Wisconsin's ten electoral votes should the recount proceed. From USA Today:
The lawsuit contends, in part, that the state's recount process is unconstitutional because ballots aren't treated equally in all cases — a standard established in the 2000 U.S. Supreme Court case that halted a recount in Florida and left George W. Bush as the winner of that year's presidential race with Al Gore.

Today begins the recount in Wisconsin. Failed Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein filed for a recount suggesting that by doing so, Americans will have greater faith in the election process. Stein had to fork over $3.5 million for the recount in Wisconsin alone.