Costing $3.5 million

Today begins the recount in Wisconsin. Failed Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein filed for a recount suggesting that by doing so, Americans will have greater faith in the election process.
Stein had to fork over $3.5 million for the recount in Wisconsin alone.
From ABC News:
The first recount of the presidential election starts today in Wisconsin as two other states are preparing for their own iterations.
The Wisconsin recount is going to run from its start at 9 a.m. this morning until the set end time of 8 p.m. on Dec. 12. That completion deadline was set by the Wisconsin Elections Commission because the federal deadline for all recounts is Dec. 13, 35 days after the election.
That is the same day by which Michigan and Pennsylvania, where other recount petitions have also been submitted, would have to complete their expected recounts as well.
The commission received the nearly $3.5 million wire transfer from former Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein on Tuesday, allowing the process to move forward.
The recount is no small undertaking, as the Journal Sentinel explains:
A spokesman for the Wisconsin Election Commission said the agency will be trying to gather and release daily recount data from each county in the state showing any tally changes for voting wards. Reid Magney said news media might need to add up the data themselves to determine whether GOP President-elect Donald Trump or Democrat Hillary Clinton see a statewide gain in votes on a given day.
“In a statewide sense I don’t know if we’re going to go that far,” Magney said of analyzing the raw data before the recount ends.
In addition, the agency will be collecting an explanation from local officials for all the cases in which 10 or more votes are changed in a given reporting unit, which is typically a voting ward.
In the official count of the 2.98 million votes cast in Wisconsin, Trump was certified to have won by 22,000 votes — an outcome that is very unlikely to change if this recount behaves as other statewide recounts have in Wisconsin and elsewhere.
Hillary’s campaign joined an unsuccessful suit filed by Stein and one other independent candidate which sought to block the use of ballot-counting machines. Stein claims she’s working alone, but, and I’m sure it’s purely coincidence, has only requested recounts in three states where Hillary was projected to win, but came in second behind Donald Trump. Pennsylvania and Michigan.
[Featured image a nod to a throwback]
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If she is following the law and putting up the Cash it is her right as a candidate. Even if it is Stupid.
But it is not her right to insist that ballot counters not be used. THAT tactic was likely designed to physically slow down the recount so much that the results would still be in dispute when the deadline arrives. Clearly a legal shell game to try and enflame popular opinion against the election results, regardless of the recount’s outcome. JS has now been disowned by the green party and exposed as a Clinton lackey.
It’s her right as a candidate, but she’s never going to help HRC overcome a 22k lead for Trump in WI. All she’s doing is causing various counties to spin their wheels doing this recount BS,that changes nothing when they have a Spring elections to work on now. Nomination papers are being processes right now and other related work thats being delayed just so Stein can pull her stunt. I’m glad is costing her 3-4 mil per state now, as its going to eat up her raised funds. Of course it still leaves her with new voter contact fund raising list info for next time around in 4 years.
The Left assured us there was no fraud. Now that they lost: fraud.
That said, Trump should assemble a special commission to investigate the Democratic margin of fraud in urban ghettos, demographic manipulation, population stacking, crony welfare regimes, open [e-mail] servers, and, of course, the illegal, aborted, and multiplicity count.
Why a commission, which would be loaded up with democrats whose sole purpose would be to obstruct?
Trump should have the justice department do this, ASAP, and bring criminal charges against those whose crimes likely can be proven.
Reportedly, there are anywhere from two to five independent studies being done on voting fraud and irregularities. This will include the casting of votes by the dead, convicted felons, legal and illegal non-citizens and even phantoms. I would expect that we will see the results of some of these studies by late spring or early summer. If the number of non-citizens who likely voted in California alone is ever documented and subtracted from those voting for Clinton [which they would be most likely to do] then it is a distinct possibility that Trump actually won the popular vote as well as the Electoral College vote.
She is an even more annoying version of Ralph Nader and that dirty SOB killed the Corvair. By then swing axles had been replaced by IRS, but …..yes I do hold grudges.
We’ve been racing cars with swing axles for over half a century. Nadar was an idiot. Still is.
Interestingly, reports just out has HRC’s campaign advertising for volunteers to help Jill Stein’s recount!
The day is bright. Tell me Keith Ellison is running the DNC and I’m going to need a pair of shades.
This is the state where the people chained themselves to the Capitol building while chanting, “This is what democracy looks like,” isn’t it? Their actions don’t suggest they like democracy much at all.
My wife, who is on Facebook, says there is a new input that over 200,000 bogus Trump votes have already been found. Now you know why I don’t do FB!
It’s good to see they were serious about controlling fake news.
A Montgomery County, PA judge rejected Stein’s request for a recount in that County. So, there’s that. Most likely other counties will follow
Since Stein is paying for the recount, how is it costing the state money?
I believe we are more concerned that she not waste George Soros’ money, or whatever funds The Clinton Foundation might provide.
Jill Stein raised that money online, I know I paid into the fund
Well, at least you are willing to admit you are not very smart.