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Hillary Clinton Tag

Another Wikileaks dump, another email with links between CNN and Hillary Clinton's campaign. This time, Tom Nides, a Morgan Stanley executive and former deputy secretary of state, told Hillary campaign chair John Podesta of a new CNN poll. How did he know? He's married to CNN Vice President Virginia Moseley. Wikileaks CNN Poll

Oh boy. PAGING THE IRS! The list of wrongdoings with the Clinton Foundation continues to grow. Another Wikileaks dump shows one Clinton aide accusing Chelsea Clinton of using Clinton Foundation funds to pay for wedding among other things: Chelsea Foundation Wedding

When FBI Director James Comey alerted Congress that new emails required a re-opening of the Hillary investigation, I noted Ed Morrissey's observation that this could be another Lucy-Charlie Brown football situation, with Republicans and other opponents of Hillary having the ball pulled away at the last minute. I also polled readers, who by 2-1 said the FBI would not exonerate Hillary before the election. There were signs of pressure from above, with DOJ promising to throw all resources to resolve the issue. Loretta Lynch, who didn't want Comey to make the disclosure in the first place, was not going to let this linger until election day. The Clinton campaign and mainstream media had declared war on Comey. And, SURPRISE, Comey just issued a letter saying no change in FBI decision not to recommend prosecution of Hillary:

According to FBI notes and memos, Hillary Clinton had her housekeeper print out sensitive materials, including material that was marked "confidential" and "secret" or "top secret."  The housekeeper, Marina Santos, does not have the security clearance to handle classified information. Fox News reports:
As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton routinely asked her maid to print out sensitive government emails and documents — including ones containing classified information — from her house in Washington, D.C., e-mails and FBI memos show. But the housekeeper lacked the security clearance to handle such material. In fact, Marina Santos was called on so frequently to receive e-mails that she may hold the secrets to E-mailgate — if only the FBI and Congress would subpoena her and the equipment she used. Clinton entrusted far more than the care of her D.C. residence, known as Whitehaven, to Santos. She expected the Filipino immigrant to handle state secrets, further opening the Democratic presidential nominee to criticism that she played fast and loose with national security.

The rift between Hillary and Bernie Sanders supporters may not be as healed as Democrats would like to think. In the video below, a young man who identifies himself as a Bernie fan speaks at a Hillary event and trashes her before being removed from the stage. The Daily Caller has the details:
Speaker Slams Hillary At Clinton Rally, Immediately Gets Dragged Off Stage [VIDEO] Kaleb Vanfosson was scheduled to introduce Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders at a rally for Hillary Clinton in Ames, Iowa, Saturday, but things didn’t go as planned for the campaign.

As the fetid swamp that surrounds Hillary and everything she touches becomes more clear to more Americans, her "charity" has confirmed that it did indeed receive a $1 million "donation" from Qatar while she was Secretary of State.  Qatar, one of the forces involved in toppling Libya's Muammar el-Qaddafi and a vocal cheerleader for Assad's ouster over the Qatar-Turkey pipeline, clearly had the same goals that drove Hillary's time at State . . . and resulted in one of her infamous and chilling cackling outbursts. Reuters reports:
The Clinton Foundation has confirmed it accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar while Hillary Clinton was U.S. secretary of state without informing the State Department, even though she had promised to let the agency review new or significantly increased support from foreign governments.

The State Department released 74 additional emails to Judicial Watch, a watchdog group that continues to investigate Hillary Clinton's private email server. These emails are the ones the FBI found after it completed its investigation. One email included a chain that the State deemed as classified that Hillary sent to her daughter Chelsea Clinton. The State has blacked out the majority of the email chain, but it came from White House Deputy National Security Advisor Michael Froman and forwarded to Hillary by her policy aide Jake Sullivan. Hillary then sent it to Chelsea. Chelsea Hillary Classified Email

It's understandable that those who thought Hillary had a lock on the presidency are getting pretty frustrated. She may still win, but it's far from guaranteed now that the Clinton Foundation pay-for-play allegations are circulating and the Huma-Anthony computer cache is being scrutinized leading to a reopening of the server/email scandal. Has the FBI become Trumpland? That's what The Guardian claims, 'The FBI is Trumpland': anti-Clinton atmosphere spurred leaking, sources say:

An FBI investigation, investigation by Congressional committee, DOJ investigation into the Clinton Foundation, and now the IRS -- yet, Hillary's still polling above 50%. A Dallas-based IRS office is digging into the Clinton Foundation and why the entity remains tax exempt. While the foundation's bookkeeping appears rather solid and above reproach, as Joe Pappalardo from the Dallas Observer reports, whether Hillary used the foundation to buy influence and favors as Secretary of State is where the story gets a bit sticky.

As MSNBC reporters go, Kasie Hunt is among the more even-handed. Even so, no one would confuse her for a covert Trump fan. So it was remarkable that on today's Morning Joe, Hunt offered up this personal observation born out of her being out on the Clinton campaign trail: "the events that Hillary Clinton is holding in these swing states, they don't feel like a winning campaign in the final week." Yikes! Hunt contrasted the "relatively small, relatively excited" crowds at Hillary events with the "screaming crowds of people" at recent Obama rallies, where "the vibe is just entirely different." Concluded Hunt: "you can feel on the ground that enthusiasm problem."