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Elizabeth Warren Tag

This is too funny.  David Bernstein, a writer at The Boston Phoenix, previously warned that the "right-wing smear machine" was coming to get Elizabeth Warren.  I offered a Challenge to Boston Phoenix: Defend Elizabeth Warren on Cherokee issue, or drop “right-wing smear machine” accusation. Bernstein never...

Very nice video production by Jack Gately appearing at Red Mass Group: Update:  You knew this was coming, from a columnist at The Nation:  'Boston Herald' vs. Elizabeth Warren: Will Sexism Win?  Oh yes, because catching a candidate for Senate falsely claiming minority status and making outlandish rants...

No one could have seen this coming. No one. I don't mean that Elizabeth Warren was stretching things a bit when she said that people on Wall Street have told her she'd save capitalism. No, the complete surprise is that Warren has fessed up and admits that...

As reported by National Journal (via TWS)(emphasis mine): “Every now and again, I meet with someone who’s been very successful on Wall Street, who says, ‘I want to support your campaign because I believe you will save capitalism. I believe in capitalism, and I understand there have...

Elizabeth Warren is punching back against her own embarrassing "no one got rich on his own" rant and Scott Brown's devastating viral (350k+ 800k views) video. Warren is doing so by insisting that we need to catch up with China on infrastructure spending. Warren's campaign just released this ad: Warren has just...

Three radio events yesterday, all related to my post Obama and Warren cribbed “build it” narrative from progressive Berkeley Professor. 1. Rush featured the post in a lengthy segment.  I don't have the audio, but the transcript is here. (Audio added via DailyRushbo): 2. I was a...

The question which has not been asked yet by the media, but needs to be. Elizabeth Warren has no documentation that she is Cherokee, Delaware or any other Native American tribe.  The initial claim that Warren was 1/32 Cherokee was withdrawn by the New England Historic Genealogical...

Elizabeth Warren's viral rant about evil factory owners who live off others has damaged the Obama campaign, which foolishly inserted similar language into the teleprompter which then was read by Obama. The "you didn't build that" narrative was more than a single line, it was an...

I have posted about Elizabeth Warren't Google search bar auto-fill problem both in the United States and Japan. I recently discovered the Google Insights for Search tool, which provides information gathered by Google based on search terms  As opposed to the auto-fill problem, this doesn't measure what...

Reaction to Obama's imitation of Elizabeth Warren is, um, building. Bristol Palin is collecting stories at her blog from people around the country, some of which are in this video The Romney campaign is out with t-shirts (h/t jimzinsocal): There's also a parody site, You didn't build that...

Obama has stepped in it big time, and we have Elizabeth Warren to thank. Obama gave voice to his political creed in the form of parroting Warren's famous rant about factory owners: Here's Obama's rendition (and a Romney response): Watch More News Videos at ABC2012 Presidential ElectionEntertainment &...