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Elizabeth Warren Tag

Don't believe the spin that Elizabeth Warren's claims about being Native American don't matter.  Or that she simply made a mistake in how she handled it. This headline from U.S. News demonstrates how it is being played: Warren Gaffes on Native American Roots Enflame Senate Race in...

I have alluded to issues certain writers have taken with Elizabeth Warren's academic writings. But never have I seen a more scathing critique of Warren than that published by highly regarded Rutgers Law Professor Philip Shuchman which was uncovered by Michael Patrick Leahy at The article is...

Elizabeth Warren already laid claim to being the first nursing mother to take the New Jersey Bar exam, an unverifiable and likely untrue claim: Now, despite all the facts the contrary, Warren is claiming that if elected she will be the first Native American Senator from Massachusetts: I...

There is something pathological in Elizabeth Warren's refusal to acklowledge that she is not Native American. When confronted with the fact that real Cherokees have traced her maternal lineage back to the great-great-great grandparent level and found no Native American ancestry, Warren ignores the facts and...

I get the feeling that Elizabeth Warren is heading for an Edmund Muskie moment completely of her own making, unless those close to her step in soon. I don't expect Warren to take advice from her political opponents, but she just can't seem to take good advice even from...

The objections of Cherokees to Elizabeth Warren's false claims of Cherokee ancestry have made the news for weeks, first when genealogist Twila Barnes demanded that Warren tell the truth, and just yesterday with the formation of a new group of Cherokees demanding that Warren stop...

Elizabeth Warren has played hard to get on the issue of her supposed Cherokee ancestry. Warren only admits to information after someone has the documents to prove her story wrong, and then her story changes.  She originally denied having any idea why Harvard touted her as...

A new group of over 150 Cherokees and growing has formed with the purpose of forcing Elizabeth Warren to give up her false claim to Cherokee heritage. The group has a new blog, Cherokees Demand Truth from Elizabeth Warren, and corresponding Facebook page: Mission Statement Cherokees Demand Truth from Elizabeth Warren...

As Politico notes, The Boston Herald has outdone The Boston Globe in reporting on Elizabeth Warren, although The Globe finally is coming around to some hard reporting after its editorial board declared the issue over weeks ago: Long before Republican Sen. Scott Brown vs. Elizabeth Warren...

I wasn't going to do an Elizabeth Warren post today.  Really. But in my in-box was a link to this story at The Boston Herald, Elizabeth Warren shuts door on Herald’s inquiry (video at the link): Senate hopeful Elizabeth Warren, in a sequel to an awkward on-camera encounter...

Alan Colmes appears to be going the Ed Schultz route and practically begging Elizabeth Warren just to come clean. Like Schultz, Colmes still is a supporter, but feels a pain from Warren twisting in the winds which have come sweeping off the plains of Warren's obfuscation...

While Elizabeth Warren is doing well in the polls, her story about not promoting herself as Native American for professional purposes continues to fall apart. Michael Patrick Leahy, writing at today, links to an article in the Spring 1993 issue of the student-run Harvard Women's Law Journal, when Warren...

She's digging in, bolstered by headlines that much of the electorate doesn't care, via MassLive: Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren said Thursday that she knows she has Native American ancestry because her mother told her so. Warren’s comments came after nearly four minutes of tense back and...