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Fake Cherokee refuses to call Scott Brown “honorable”

Fake Cherokee refuses to call Scott Brown “honorable”

Via The Boston Herald:

U.S. Sen. Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren have clashed about taxes, jobs and small businesses as their race heats up under the national spotlight — but their skirmishing took a detour this week as the rivals traded barbs on a simple question of honor.

Warren kicked off the moral second-guessing earlier this week in Springfield, demurring when a reporter asked if Brown “is an honorable person.”

Warren simply shrugged and said, “That’s not a question for me.”

Brown did not take that one lying down, nor should he.  When someone who has committed ethnic fraud over decades questions your honor, it’s time to hit back:

Brown, a Wrentham Republican, immediately seized on the non-answer and unloaded on the Harvard Law School professor.

“Yeah, I consider myself an honorable person,” he said yesterday while stumping in Westboro.

“What is honorable? If you look it up, it says, ‘Are you honest?’ Yeah, I try to do everything I can to be the best person I can be each and every day. Am I going to make mistakes? Sure, but when I do, I correct them, unlike Professor Warren when she misled the voters of Massachusetts and (the Herald) in part-icular about her Native American heritage.”

Brown insisted he believes Warren is honorable, but launched into other issues with the Cambridge Democrat.

“She failed to release her tax returns, she’s been misleading people about her ethnicity, claiming to be a woman of color when she in fact is not. I mean, I could go on and on,” he said.

Asked if he believes Warren is honorable despite his sharp list of criticisms about her, Brown said, “Yeah, of course. We disagree politically on pretty much everything, but of course I think she’s honorable.”

Elizabeth Warren is not what she seems.  Brown should keep hammering her on her record of deception.

Here was Warren’s campaign’s response to the controversy (via Herald):

Warren released a statement on the honor flap yesterday, saying, “I honor Senator Brown’s service to the state and the country, but I believe he has the wrong priorities for Massachusetts. Ultimately, it will be up to the voters to choose between us.”

She only honors Brown’s “service”.  What a malicious person.

Will Warren ever be held accountable, as she demands from others?


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Keep up the pressure. Otherwise, she will simply lie her way out of it.

Professor Jacobson, yet again you are lucky you have readers like me who can correct you when you demonstrate an ignorance of liberal principles. No, no need to thank me.

The left gave us situational ethics–what’s right or wrong depends on the situation. And the left clearly–I don’t think this can be denied–upholds situational principles. There are no overarching principles that apply to everyone–principles are expressed and upheld depending on what good they will do the left.

A couple of brief examples: Tax returns is one. Several Obama appointees have actually failed to pay taxes, and they’re not just off by a few bucks, they don’t pay them at all. Nothing to see here. Romney does not reveal tax returns he isn’t required to–he must have something to hide.

Guantanamo is an assault against all that is dear and holy until Bush is no longer the president, at which point we don’t need to worry about it.

And of course, dissent is the highest form of patriotism until January 2009 at which it becomes racism. I am going to the movies to see “The Cunning Little Vixen” or I could easily spend hours relating similar discordances, not discordant at all if they benefit the left.

The left’s principles are entirely situational, dependent on how benefits. This extends to all of their principles.

If I’m wrong show me the evidence.

Malicious. That’s the word; Warren, in a nutshell.

    raven in reply to janitor. | August 18, 2012 at 10:43 am

    There’s a reason the Left has rallied to her and view her as a kind of Joan of Arc of their struggle right now. They’ve channelled their frustration with Obama’s failures and compromises, his cave-ins to political reality as they see it, into her malicious and uncompromisingly dishonest persona. They love it. They love the fact she won’t give in on the Cherokee issue.

if brown thinks warren is honorable then maybe he isn’t.
per the terms he used to describe honorable (honestly) she isn’t, and if he defines it that way and still calls her honorable he’s violating his own definition of it.

    Cassie in reply to dmacleo. | August 18, 2012 at 11:19 am

    It could be argued that Scott Brown was demonstrating his own personal honor by refusing to call his opponent dishonorable.

      Rick in reply to Cassie. | August 18, 2012 at 12:17 pm

      I am willing to cut Brown some slack on this. Sometimes you can’t give your opponent a particular sound bite.
      This reminds me the following banter: “I like you, I just don’t like the way you look, the things you say, the things you do, the way you smell, the people you associate with, and your politics.”

“What is honorable? If you look it up, it says, ‘Are you honest?’

“She failed to release her tax returns, she’s been misleading people about her ethnicity, claiming to be a woman of color when she in fact is not. I mean, I could go on and on,” he said.

“but of course I think she’s honorable.”

Incoherent. This is a general problem with the RINO — always unable to bring the point home. He may get away with it in Massachusetts. But it’s still unimpressive.

Cassandra Lite | August 18, 2012 at 10:49 am

What the hell is Brown talking about? If Lizzie Warren is honorable, then what does it take to be dishonorable. He needs better people helping him churn out messages, if he can’t himself–something on the order of, “She dishonors the people of Massachusetts with her serial lying about who she is, how she’s gotten to be where she is now, and what she’s willing to say and do in the pursuit of power. Her words and deeds are a clear indication that Elizabeth Warren is in this for herself and not for the people she claims to want to represent.”

Warren sees mao tse tung as one of her heroes…

She honors Brown’s “service”

But desires a communist revolution of her own to praise.

Shame on Brown for saying “but of course she’s honorable”. He’s being a RINO pansy!

He must say “hell no, she is not honorable”. Make it an issue. Hammer home the ethnicity fraud. Put her on the defensive; make her respond to you. Then hammer her again, but harder!

The only way for me to justify his comment is if he has some skeletons in his closet.

This is ultimately a test for the MA electorate.

Are they smawt ’nuff to recognize honesty from deception?

I have my doubts… We’ll see in November!

Warren is such a nasty piece of work it would be a grave insult to be called “honorable” by her.

MaggotAtBroadAndWall | August 18, 2012 at 12:34 pm

Brown was looking at a waist high fastball in the center of the plate. He swings. It’s up, up, up! It looks like it might sail over the center field fence.

Alas, instead of being a hero and swatting it outta the park, he’s a dud who flies out at the warning track.

One need not fear the way Senator Brown called Professor Warren ‘honorable’: in the way it was framed, the sneer quotes came through loud and clear.

As they should have.

Cassie and Rick above have it right: if Brown had refused to call Warren ‘honorable’ it would have been all over the evening news and Boston Globe. Democrats and the MSM (BIRM) would have wanked on for days.

But Mr. Brown got his message across.

    Hmmmm, I guess I would need to hear how he said it, wouldn’t I? I pray you’re right. I’d hate to think he’s that much of a weenie!

Admires Mao? That makes her a dispicable creepy twisted little pool of devil vomit !

I guess you don’t need class to teach one, even at HLS.

“unlike Professor Warren when she misled the voters of Massachusetts and (the Herald) in part-icular about her Native American heritage.”

Don’t forget Harvard.

‘Brown said, “Yeah, of course. We disagree politically on pretty much everything, but of course I think she’s honorable.”.

For Warren is an honourable person;
So are Democrats all, all honourable people.

What pressure? Brown let’s her off the hook by pretzeling himself so he won’t seem to be hammering the girl and by behaving in typical GOPE mealy-mouthed fashion.

He begins by explaining honorable has to do with honesty, lays out a stream of her lies then says, yeah, she’s honest. Grow up, dude. Keep your story straight. Is dishonesty honorable? Scott Brown says it is and it isn’t. Mealy-mouthed.

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