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Egypt Tag

It's time for the person most consistently wrong about the Muslim Brotherhood to admit that just about everything he said about the Muslim Brotherhood and Egypt's Arab Spring was wrong, including: Already we hear the predictable warnings from Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu: This could be Iran...

Roger Cohen of The NY Times famously told us in February 2011 (emphasis mine): Already we hear the predictable warnings from Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu: This could be Iran 1979, a revolution for freedom that installs the Islamists. But this is not 1979, and Egypt’s...

I'm going to do this the way I did the U.S. presidential election.  Going with my gut. I'm "betting" on (but not rooting for) the Islamists. Unlike the presidential election, I will be right. 'Deadly' clashes at Egypt presidential palace: Supporters of Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi attacked opposition protesters...

Don't let the recent anti-government protests fool you. The Islamists still are able to turn out large crowds in the New Egypt, as happened today in Cair0 where hundreds of thousands (how many hundreds varies from news report to news report) turned out in support of President Morsi and...

Roger Cohen was among the worst of the delusional dreamers about the nature of the Islamist uprising in Egypt. I frequently have quoted this prediction by Cohen on February 3, 2011: Already we hear the predictable warnings from Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu: This could be Iran...

The Muslim Brotherhood President of Egypt already had brought the military to heel. Now he is discarding the judiciary: With a constitutional assembly on the brink of collapse and protesters battling the police in the streets here over the slow pace of change, President Mohamed Morsi issued a sweeping...

More on the inconvenient history of refugees in the Middle East. From the Times of Israel, Egyptian authorities reportedly seize 1.7 million documents proving Jewish ownership of assets in Cairo: Egyptian authorities confiscated some 1.7 million documents reportedly proving Jewish ownership of land and assets in Cairo....

Well, that didn't work out so well. We cast aside Hosni Mubarak on a moment's notice without taking steps to give non-Islamist parties a timetable to organize an effective transition; we overthrew Muammar Gaddafi, teaching tyrants the lesson that giving up nuclear ambitions is a deadly...

Via Al Ahram English: Egyptian protesters on Tuesday took down the American flag from the walls of the US embassy in Cairo during a thousands-strong demonstration held to protest a short film produced by US based Coptic-Christians that critics say demeans Islam and the Prophet Mohammed. A...

Muslim Brotherhood member President Mohamed Morsi has sacked the senior Egyptian military command, the primary secular counterweight to Islamist fundamentalist control of Egypt. As reported by The Times of Israel: Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi fired Defense Minister Mohammed Hussein Tantawi and Chief of Staff Sami Anan on Sunday afternoon,...

We all know about the sexual assault on Lara Logan during celebrations over Mubarak's resignation, see my post It Could Happen Anywhere, But It Happened There.  There also were the cases of the French journalist Caroline Sinz and US-Egyptian journalist Mona Eltahawy assaulted in Tahrir Square, see...

Results just announced.  51.73% to 48.27. You can watch Al-Jazeera English live stream.  You also can follow the #Egypt hastag on Twitter. Now we'll find out if they still plan on marching on Jerusalem. Remember, when the protests against Mubarak broke out in January 2011, the Muslim Brotherhood...

Via Times of Israel: Egypt will release results from disputed presidential elections Sunday, the country’s top elections commission official said — an announcement that will put an end to the country’s nerve-wracking uncertainty about who is the official winner, but promises no end to the power...

Joel Brinkley, currently a Professor at Stanford who spent most of his career as a foreign correspondent for The New York Times, has a column in the San Francisco Chronicle titled Islamists in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia not democratic. The thesis of the column is that Westerners who took...

The Muslim Brotherhood presidential candidate in Egypt may not be the most anti-Israel of the candidates running: Last weekend’s announcement by Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood that it will field a presidential candidate, Khairat Shater, has drastically impacted the run-up to May’s elections. But his position on Israel...

Tony passed away a week ago today.  This clip from the McLaughlin group is a good testiment to him. Tony's commentary on Egypt was right on target: ...