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Egypt Tag

That's Doug Mataconis pushing back against my post We know who lost Egypt and similar arguments by others. The push back misses the point.  Whether or not we could have controlled the situation -- and whether or not we should have tried -- the fact is that we...

Obama's foolish policy of forcing Mubarak out of office precipitously without giving non-Islamist parties time to organize has resulted in Islamists achieving a sweeping victory in the first round of parliamentary elections.  Strength by the Muslim Brotherhood was expected, but the extremely hard line Salafists had...

First it was Lara Logan.  Then other female journalists: The press freedom organization Reporters Without Borders on Friday cautioned  news outlets on sending female reporters to Cairo’s Tahrir Square, citing three  incidents in which reporters have been assaulted. “It is more dangerous for a woman than a...

One of the key supposed foreign policy achievements of the Obama administration is turning into a disaster. Egypt is quickly devolving into chaos with only bad likely outcomes, as Barry Rubin writes: Only days before parliamentary elections, Egypt is in a huge crisis whose outcome will determine the...

It's not often I thank Think Progress, but thanks for this video interview of Allen West on the issue of Obama foreign policy in Libya and the Middle East.  Think Progress, with its videographer following West on his trip to Israel, figured they'd get good...

Call the U.N. Human Rights Council to condemn Israel, because obviously this was a Zionist plot to discredit the Egyptian Spring, Egyptian general admits 'virginity checks' conducted on protesters:A senior Egyptian general admits that "virginity checks" were performed on women arrested at a demonstration this...