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The Democratic National Committee hit a record low for fundraising in April and the news got no better in May. After Democrat donors pumped a massive amount of cash into the Georgia runoff election this month, the party as a whole is hurting financially. Anna Giaritelli reports at the Washington Examiner:
Democrats had the worst May fundraising since 2003 The Democratic National Committee raised nearly $4.3 million in May, making it the organization's worst May on record for fundraising since 2003, according to newly released Federal Election Commission data.

Former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson testified before the House Intelligence Committee over the Russia probe into possible interference and collusion into our presidential election. Last summer, the Democrats accused the Russians of hacking into their system after a trove of emails appeared on Wikileaks. But Johnson told the committee that the DNC didn't want DHS's help with the investigation.

In her latest round of excuses for losing this week, Hillary Clinton laid blame at the feet of the Democratic National Committee. People at the DNC are not happy about it and are pushing back. Amber Athey reports at the Daily Caller:
DNC Data Director: Hillary Claims Are ‘F**king Bulls**t’ The former director of data science at the Democratic National Committee blasted Hillary Clinton on Twitter after she tried to blame the DNC for her electoral defeat. Clinton claimed Wednesday that the DNC fell far behind the RNC in terms of voter and data analysis, saying the DNC’s data was “mediocre to poor, nonexistent, wrong.”

While the liberal media fantasizes about a Democratic Party wave in 2018, the reality is that the party is still struggling to find a message. Anti-Trump rage is not a platform and it's not translating into dollars. Anna Giaritelli reports at the Washington Examiner:
DNC reports worst April of fundraising since 2009 The Democratic National Committee reported its worst April of fundraising since 2009, according to Federal Election Commission records released Monday.

By now, every Legal Insurrection reader will likely have been exposed to a deluge of media related to the Washington Post's assertions about President Donald Trump disclosing highly classified information in his meeting with Russian Foreign Minister and Ambassador. However, the intense media focus on the White House has meant substantially less ink, electrons and time have been spent covering two, significant class action lawsuits against the Democratic National Committee: 1) It's shenanigans during the primary to weigh the nomination in Hillary Clinton's favor. 2) Failure to pay its campaign workers for overtime. I was registered as a Democrat for a significant portion of the primary season, and voted for Bernie Sanders in the California primary. So, I thought I would spend a little time on each of these cases.

One of the most astounding revelations from the Podesta email published by Wikileaks was that then interim DNC Chair and CNN commentator Donna Brazile leaked potential primary town hall questions to the Clinton campaign. That was astounding in two regards -- that it happened, and that the media didn't make a bigger deal about it. Just imagine what the media reaction would have been if during the general election it came out that questions during Republican primary debates had been leaked to the Trump campaign. It would have been non-stop, 24/7, foaming at the mouth coverage demanding Trump drop out of the race. We covered the deception:

On Saturday, February 25, 2017, Democrat National Committee delegates will vote in a new Chair. The two top contenders are Keith Ellison, congressman from Minnesota, and Tom Perez, former Obama Labor Secretary. Regardless of who is chosen, there is no centrist choice. Because the is no center of the Democratic Party. Perez is a fairly standard leftist. We haven't spend a lot of time covering his background because there's really nothing particularly interesting as regards the future of the Democratic Party. He's reportedly the Obama-Biden choice.

New Hampshire Democratic Party Chair Raymond Buckley, a candidate for the DNC chair, told his fellow Democrats to "grow up" at a forum in Baltimore. Buckley noted that the Democrats did not concentrate on the issues that actually concern regular Americans. From The Daily Mail:
Buckley said the Democrats 'did not offer a positive message to anyone I ... am related to.' 'We did not offer a message to my neighbors, we did not offer a message to the people in Indiana or Ohio or Pennsylvania or Kentucky,' he added, pointing to the states nominee Hillary Clinton lost throughout the Rust Belt.

Since he announced his intention to run for Chair of the Democratic National Committee, Keith Ellison has received support from top Democrats, like Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Nancy Pelosi, and the left-wing Bernie-base of the party. Yet from the start Ellison has been dogged with revelations about his past support for Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam, his claim that American Jews do Israel's bidding, and his association with fringe anti-Israel groups:

Democrats are clearly planning to keep playing the "illegitimate" card on Donald Trump. Jehmu Greene is a FOX News contributor who has been active in the Democratic Party for years. On Friday, she announced her candidacy for DNC chair. She also appeared on FOX and Friends at which time she used the word "allegedly" to describe Trump's election. From Real Clear Politics:
DNC Chair Candidate Jehmu Greene: Trump Was "Allegedly Elected," Dems Have "Mandate" To Resist HOST: What do you make of these remarks from John Lewis? Obviously, he is a Civil Rights icon, but now is claiming that Donald Trump is not legitimate. What say you?

WOLVERINES! Or maybe not. The Obama Administration was quick to blame Russian agents for "hacking the election", despite little evidence supporting this conclusion. There's no question Democratic National Convention servers were hacked, nor is it a question whether Hillary campaign advisor and longtime Clintonite John Podesta's email was hacked. This much we know for certain. See Wikileaks. President Obama was confident Russians were to blame for the hacks, which Democrats have also suggested swayed the outcome of the presidential election.

President Barack Obama has placed more sanctions against Russia and expelled intelligence operatives from America for allegedly interfering with our 2016 election. The sanctions include expelling 35 Russian intelligence officers and closing two Russian compounds. The FBI and Department of Homeland Security found some information that Russians may have phished into the Democratic National Committee over the summer. (Before I go on, I need to correct the media. NO ONE hacked the election. Saying Russia hacked the election implies Russians invaded our voting booths and physically changed votes. That did NOT happen.)

Bernie Sanders has thrown his support behind Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison in the contest to lead the DNC. This should surprise no one because Sanders represents the radical far-left wing of the Democratic Party and that's where Ellison would steer the party as chairman. The Washington Times reports:
Bernie Sanders vows Keith Ellison will usher in ‘real change’ at DNC Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont went to bat Wednesday for Rep. Keith Ellison’s bid to become the next chairman of the Democratic National Committee, saying the status quo is not working and that the Minnesota Democrat has the gumption to move the party in a different direction.

When Wikileaks released Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails in July, people immediately pointed fingers at Russia and cried that the Kremlin wanted to influence the 2016 presidential election to Donald Trump, who won by a large margin over Hillary Clinton. But National Security Agency (NSA) Director Mike Rogers dashed those conspiracy theories this past weekend:
“I don't think in the end it had the effect that [the hackers] had hoped it might,” Rogers said during a panel at the Halifax International Security Forum.

The lesson Democrats are learning from the evisceration of the Democratic Party at the state level, the continuing loss of control of Congress, and the defeat in the presidential election is not that Democrats need to move back to the center. No, it's that Democrats need to move not just further to the left, but to the fringe left. Several top Democrats, including Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Chuck Schumer, are backing Keith Ellison, Democratic Congressman from Minnesota, as the next DNC Chair. Daily Kos reports:

Earlier this month, Mary covered the WikiLeaks emails that showed then-CNN contributor, now DNC Chair, Donna Brazile forwarded Team Hillary a question ahead of the second presidential debate.  Not only did the DNC not learn anything from the ouster of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, but now, a tech blogger finds proof that the WikiLeaks emails concerning Brazile are not "doctored" as she claimed. Fox News reports:
After Democratic Party boss Donna Brazile claimed emails showing her apparently tipping off Hillary Clinton to questions at a March town hall were “doctored,” tech sleuths got to work -- and now say they've found proof the emails are authentic.