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Caitlyn Jenner, who announced her run for California governor as a Republican, set off a firestorm because she opposes transgender girls competing in female sports. Caitlyn, born Bruce Jenner, dominated the Olympics in track and field. She came out as transgender in 2015. She kept her Republican views, but her stance on transgender girls and sports led to even more backlash.

Los Angeles Lakers superstar LeBron James took massive heat when he threatened the cop who shot Ma'Khia Bryant. He eventually took down the tweet, but he already did enough damage. Los Angeles cop Deon Joseph responded with a letter on Facebook, asking James to sit down with him or any other cop to discuss the "reality of the profession of policing."

As we all begin to absorb the full impact of the Biden administration's anti-capitalism, anti-freedom, anti-Constitution, America Last policies, we are seeing, for only the second time in our nation's history, an administration that openly disdains and gleefully condemns America as some kind of uniquely and irredeemably racist nation that must be destroyed in order to be rebuilt according to some regressive dystopian vision, circa the 1930's.

Cancel culture has come for a New England favorite. Brigham's brand ice cream is dropping the word "jimmies" and substituting "sprinkles" because someone, somewhere has claimed that jimmies has its roots in racism. "Jimmies" is what sprinkles are commonly called in New England, particularly Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Nothing is safe anymore.

Back in December of 2016, a building in Oakland, California burned in a massive fire. The warehouse building had been taken over by a collective of artists and musicians, some of whom were living in the building illegally. Now the main leaseholder, who has been held responsible for the blaze, has been sentenced to spend the remainder of his 12 year sentence in home confinement. Families of the victims are outraged.