College Insurrection | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 657
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College Insurrection Tag

I am more convinced than ever that a shock to the higher-ed system is needed. Universities have turned into political training grounds for can't-do left-wing professors and administrators who use campuses as laboratories for churning out foot soldiers for the dependency state: Professor Denies Stalin Murdered Millions Florida Professor Pens Book...

In case you missed it. The Election War is being fought on college campuses: Cartoon at the Cornell Insider Sums up 2012 Election This time around, young people voting with their pocketbooks not emotions Stupid campus mind games for Obama Cornell Review 2012 Election Guide Panicked Democrats Send Bill Clinton to...

In case you missed it this week: Higher Ed Bubble College Enrollment Down for First Time in 15 Years Is College Going to be “Free” in 10 Years? Obama Bubble Obama Losing Youth Votes Millennial Poll: Obama Is So Yesterday Enthusiasm for Obama down …. even at SUNY Purchase! Liberalism Bubble Poster child for media...

In case you missed it: Obama admin pressures schools into racial disciplinary quotas Asian-American Students Sense Admissions Bias Students comment on Supreme Court affirmative action case University Suspends Diversity Officer for Signing Petition Against Gay Marriage UC Berkeley Faces anti-Semitism Investigation Religion not a protected class at Yale Plus the war continues...

In case you missed it: Michigan State Features Communist Professor On Constitution Day Harvard Requires Freshmen to Read Obama Speech UC Berkeley students protest in favor of unions Sam Houston State U. Prof. slashes anti-Obama student “free speech wall” Progressives at Fresno State shut down debate, illegally endorse Prop 30 SUNY...

Things you may have missed: Harvard Freshman Patronized by “Sensitivity Training” NYU Professors To Students – No laptop in class for you A Biochemist’s Argument Against  “Hooking-Up” Hugging is Out of Bounds at UNC? California Fires State’s “Professional Students” With a dash of irresponsibility thrown in: One Third of American Colleges are...

In case you missed them, there were a lot of posts about the (lack of intellectual) diversity on college campuses: Is the “Ron Paul Revolution” Too Dangerous for Auburn? UC Berkeley liberal student groups afraid to meet with conservatives/libertarians Diversity at Vassar Doesn’t Include Conservatives Conservative Students Flock To...

It was free speech week. How fitting, I hope we didn't insult anyone or hurt their feelings. Guest post by Senior V.P. at F.I.R.E., “If there is anyone who values free speech, it is a tenured professor!” Discriminatory Words? Swarthmore College’s War on Sororities Follow up the the breast-feeding in...

Things you may have missed: Yale students protest lecture by Rick Santorum How The Left Took Over Academia…. and More Liberal Academics Miss Point Of National Empty Chair Day Guess which political party supports free speech on campus? Robert Gibbs Says Obama’s Decline With Youth Vote Is Bush’s Fault College students...

If you don't visit College Insurrection every day, you are missing great posts like these: Busting the myth of a liberal student majority Beware attempts to ban “hate speech” on campus College Republicans Take Prime Seat at GOP Convention Chick-fil-A boycotts coming to a campus near you Maryland Bd of...

The next Insurrection still is on target for an August roll-out.  Most likely mid-month. The current site really is just a holding place, and all the sidebar and navigation bar links are the same as Legal Insurrection.  That will change when the site goes live. Your Legal Insurrection registration...

I wanted to fill you in on the next phase of Legal Insurrection. The next four and one-half months will be devoted to defeating Obama, taking back the Senate, holding the House, and hopefully doing all of that in a way which puts in place a Tea Party/conservative...

There is an active effort by Elizabeth Warren's campaign to distract from the real issue regarding Warren's claim of Native American status during the mid-80s to mid-90s, when she was moving from one law school to another up the food chain until she reached Harvard...