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Radical Left Influence Over Education Not Just for Higher Ed Anymore

Radical Left Influence Over Education Not Just for Higher Ed Anymore

Moving on out, and into High Schools and Elementary Schools.

In a recent report on The Kelly File, Megyn Kelly and Dinesh D’Souza addressed leftism in education. Many of the topics discussed are issues we cover at College Insurrection.


Naturally, this report didn’t sit well with the left.

Brendan James of Talking Points Memo opened by highlighting D’Souza’s recent legal troubles in an obvious effort to discredit him: (Emphasis is mine.)

D’Souza And Kelly: Liberal Professors (And Unions) Brainwash Our Kids (VIDEO)

Fox News host Megyn Kelly joined conservative author and convicted felon Dinesh D’Souza on Friday to warn viewers of a grand left wing conspiracy to infiltrate and control the American education system.

Fighting the liberal grip on college campuses has long been a cause on the right, but on “The Kelly File,” D’Souza argued the rot now goes as deep as secondary and elementary schools, where children are radicalized by anti-American militants.

“They don’t care about parents,” D’Souza said, speaking about liberal teachers and professors on campus. “They just feel unaccountable to legislators, unaccountable to alumni, unaccountable to parents.”

Kelly went on to place blame on “the unions that don’t allow teachers to get fired, no matter how radical, no matter how bad, no matter what they do.”

D’Souza admitted his crime and is paying for it but what does that matter?

Can’t win an argument? Just smear your opponent.

Featured image via FOX News Video.


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While I don’t know the what’s-what of all of that story, it certainly seems suggestive.

I mean, why would the Collective forebear teaching lies to grade-schoolers about Ferguson? They never hesitate to lie to them about pretty much everything else. Remember; it is who they are.

    Valerie in reply to Ragspierre. | November 30, 2014 at 12:29 pm

    Rags, I did not see your comment until mine went up. My current theory is that the objective is to teach that the system is broken, and can only be repaired after it is burned down, because the ordinary people (bourgeois, in the parlance of the organizers, before they learned to stop using that word) “don’t care.”

    What better case to use to radicalize the gullible than a bad case? It gives the organizers the opportunity to lie about the facts, and claim that the real cause of the tragic result was society’s fault, rather than the bad behavior of the person who was killed.

    There’s a way to correct this. I have no problem with inclusion of this incident in some elements of a school curriculum, provided the following is also included:

    Ferguson Prosecutor Robert McCulloch Conference, the evidence before the grand jury, and the differences between the media narrative and the evidence, and differences among testimony of the witnesses.

    The evidence.

    Force the schools to do this, and the kids can have all the information they need.

      Ragspierre in reply to Valerie. | November 30, 2014 at 4:52 pm

      Well, sure.

      You could do wonderful lessons on biology, chemistry and physics…alllll at CSI-level interesting, too.

      But I don’t for a minute think that’s what would happen.

      I think it would largely begin and end with “letters to Michael”, with special directions to privileged people of pallor to include poignant apologies for existing.

I have a senior in high school right now, and I would not frame this as an issue of liberal bias. I do think, however, that a careful review, of the training our teachers and principals receive, is very much in order. After six years of observation of San Diego Independent School District, I have concluded that our schools are teaching our young adults to disrespect authority, possibly because those in authority are being trained to act in an arbitrary and capricious manner.

My son’s high school is the one that had the infamous Twerking Video that went viral. It turns out that the kids in the video class wandered around campus, and asked a bunch of the students to do the dance the cheerleaders had been doing all year. They complied, and the resulting video was eventually placed on U-Tube.

As a result, every student involved in making the video, and every student shown in the video was, among other punishments, given a memo in their permanent school record alleging that the student was involved in “sexual harassment.” I f’n kid you not.

It took a year, and three sets of parents hiring a lawyer, before those high school records (many of which were for seniors the prior year) were cleared of this obnoxious memo.

Even one of the school board members had a sharp comment about the judgment exhibited by the principal, who was responsible for the students’ files.

My question is, what on earth ever gave this principal the notion that blanket, plainly exaggerated punishment of the entire group of students, without regard to their individual level of involvement, is even remotely acceptable?

This was not the only incident at this school which has drawn the scorn of the students, nor is this type of foolishness limited to this school.

I do not think this principal is an outlier. I think this principal, together with a number of other principals, have been acting according to training they have received. If this proves true, the training must be changed.

PoliticiansRscum | November 30, 2014 at 2:26 pm

I have 3 sons who are recent graduates of the Marxist education system of the province of Ontario, Canada. They were steeped in P.C. all their lives. They have all come to me asking about the obvious disconnect between their ‘education’ and what they see in everyday life. Their ‘confusion’ was “Why does one need to use lies to sell the “truth”?

DINORightMarie | November 30, 2014 at 7:55 pm

This is nothing new, nor should it surprise anyone.

The public school teachers, and administrators, were all educated in these universities. This issue/problem they discuss has been true of public schools since at least the 1990’s, and is only getting worse year by year.

My niece graduated as an Elementary Ed (with Masters) major from a large college here in Virginia. She was so indoctrinated in many things, and hasn’t learned most of her history of the US. She is a fantastic young woman, and has a great heart, solid morality, and a good head on her shoulders. But the toxic waste seeps in, regardless.

My daughter graduated last year from a public high school. Both her AP US History and AP Civics & Government classes were rife with the leftist nonsense – “living, breathing Constitution,” government gives us our rights, and more. The even use that piece of excrement People’s History of the US by Howard Zinn as a “secondary text. Ugh!! Thankfully she has a Conservative home to get the facts and real history lessons. She knows and discerns the agitprop, and can counter it, diffuse it, with very pointed, subtle questions. Thank God.

The leftist takeover of public education at all levels both boggles my mind and makes me want to cry. These are the children, our future!!

    DINORightMarie, is your daughter attending college? Because if she is, the indoctrination is just getting started-but I suspect you know that.


And considering we tolerate Neville Chamberlains heading the GOP, why the hell not? It’s easy!

Doesn’t Megyn Kelly look great with long hair?