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As we've documented countless times at College Insurrection, many students in America today have a flawed understanding of free speech and other Constitutional subjects. There once was a time when it was safe to assume students were taught about the Constitution and America's other founding documents, but the behavior on many campuses today suggests that's no longer happening. South Carolina just passed a new law to remedy this situation. The Daily Signal reports:
This New Law Ensures South Carolina Students Will Study the Founding Documents Gov. Nikki Haley, a Republican, signed a South Carolina House bill into law that implements the study of U.S. founding documents into the state’s public high schools.

In another banner moment for the University of Missouri, student race activists hijacked a vigil for the victims of the Orlando terror attack this week. The College Fix reported:
WATCH: Mizzou race activist hijacks Orlando vigil as gay community rebukes her A vigil Monday planned by several University of Missouri student organizations was supposed to honor victims of Sunday morning’s deadly shooting rampage in a popular gay nightclub in Orlando, Fla. It turned into a blame session against Mizzou’s LGBTQ community for not being intersectional enough. Latino activists, including a Mizzou official, scolded the mostly white gathering for ignoring racial issues. That led one attendee to fume on Facebook that the organizers had invented a “race issue” out of a “homophobic attack” by gunman Omar Mateen.

In Bill Whittle's newest Afterburner video, he addresses the issue of free college and although he focuses on Bernie Sanders, the same truths apply no matter which politician is making this promise. You don't need a college degree to understand Whittle's argument. Anyone with common sense knows there's no such thing as free. Here's a partial transcript via Frontpage Mag:
Bernie's Free College Isn't Free Bernie Sanders has bewitched a new generation of voting students by promising them free health care and free college. So I’d like to address this brief video to you young people who are Bernie supporters and are in it for the free college. Can we just think this through for a minute? Please?

Police have connected a murder in Minnesota to the man who killed a UCLA professor and then himself. Mainak Sarkar, 38, left behind a kill list in his aparment, which included two UCLAS professors and Ashley Hasti, 31, his estranged wife. Police in Minnesota discovered Hasti's dead body on Thursday, the day after Sarkar killed Professor William S. Klug. Deputy Police Chief Mark Brutley said Sarkar killed her before he killed Klug:
Sarkar apparently believed Klug had stolen some of his work while he was a doctoral student at UCLA. Sarkar’s motive for Hasti’s slaying remains unclear. The two were married by a justice of peace in 2011, said Hasti’s grandmother, Jean Johnson. The couple split about a year later and Hasti moved back home to Brooklyn Park.

Social justice warriors at Yale are angry that the study of English involves reading the work of old white men. In a move that defies history and logic, they have launched a petition which makes specific demands on Yale's English Department to put an end to this travesty. Robby Soave writes at Reason:
Yale Students Tell English Profs to Stop Teaching English: Too Many White Male Poets Some Yale University students are demanding changes to the English Department curriculum: specifically, they don't think it should feature so many English poets who were straight, white, wealthy, and male.

First Lady Michelle Obama asked Anthony Mendez to attend the 2015 State of the Union with her since he overcame a tough childhood to advance to college. However, he never told her or anyone else that he didn't even make a 1.0 GPA at the University of Hartford and faced expulsion. Mendez admitted in a Vox op-ed that he accepted the invitation despite knowing the university would not accept him back for the spring semester. Unfortunately, though, his op-ed sounds like he wants to place some of the blame on the White House and the media that hounded him after the White House announced the invitations.

Last fall a large group of Dartmouth students who are also Black Lives Matter activists, marched into the school's Baker-Berry Library and caused a disruption. This was no small affair. Campus Reform reported that students in the library who were simply trying to study alleged physical and verbal assaults such as “F*** you, you filthy white f***s!” An investigation was launched, and the Alumni Relations office has now concluded that no punishment is warranted.

Last fall, Yale sent out an email which encouraged students to show sensitivity in their choice of Halloween costumes. Erika Christakis, Associate Master of Silliman College responded to the email by reminding students of the importance of free expression. Her husband Nicholas Christakis, Master of Silliman College, defended his wife's email. My colleague Fuzzy Slippers covered the story at the time. Angry Yale students confronted Nicholas Christakis on campus and screamed at him, demanding that Yale must make them feel comfortable and safe on campus.

We recently reported that some law professors of the American Law Institute wanted to expand the concept of sexual consent in a way which would make it easier to define people as criminals. The proposals were outrageous and would have put people at risk of being legally guilty of rape even if their partners consented. Proponents of the changes were largely left wing professors who undoubtedly agree with the progressive concept of rape culture. The good news is that the institute rejected the proposal. Bradford Richardson of the Washington Times:
American Law Institute rejects affirmative consent standard in defining sexual assault In a rebuke to a feminist idea that has migrated from college campuses to mainstream culture, an influential legal group overwhelmingly rejected Tuesday a provision that would have endorsed an “affirmative consent” standard for the purpose of defining sexual assault.

If the video below is indicative of a nationwide trend, Hillary Clinton has a serious problem with college aged voters in the upcoming election. Campus Reform visited George Washington University and asked students how they felt about the Democratic front runner and not only do they not seem to like her, they don't trust her. The reactions of young women were particularly interesting:
VIDEO: Millennials reject ‘woman card,’ say they don’t trust Hillary Millennials just don’t trust Hillary Clinton, and they’re sick of being told they should support her simply because she’s a woman.

A major pillar of the Bernie Sanders 2016 campaign is free college. In perhaps the most tragically ironic political metaphor of this election, Burlington College, a small privately owned school in Vermont is now going out of business, largely due to decisions made by Bernie Sanders' wife, Jane, who served as the college's president for seven years. When Jane Sanders was hired by Burlington College in 2004, the school was already facing financial problems but was able to maintain day to day operations for several years. Things began to change in 2010, when Jane Sanders led the school to a financial decision which would forever alter the school's destiny.

Sexual consent laws on college campuses are already reaching absurd levels, but if the American Law Institute has its way and loosens the concepts of consent, it will easier to accuse participants of crimes. Stuart Taylor Jr. writes at Real Clear Politics:
Legal Group Weighs Radical Expansion of Sex Crimes Imagine the following case: Two recent college grads meet in a bar, talk, begin kissing, and go to her apartment. After a little more talking, they resume kissing there. He undresses her and initiates sexual intercourse. She neither objects nor resists. He leaves, and they have no further contact. A month later, she files a criminal complaint with police, complaining that this was rape because she never expressed verbal consent and was physically passive.