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GOP operative Arthur Schwartz discovered old anti-Semitic tweets from relatively new CNN photo editor Mohammed Elshamy. He celebrated the killing of "4 jewish [sic] pigs" in a terrorist attack in 2011 and cheered on Hamas. Elshamy resigned late Thursday night. CNN and the left cannot complain about this happening because last week the network dug through Monica Crowley's old tweets and blog posts after President Donald Trump appointed her as assistant treasury secretary for public affairs.

Round 2....FIGHT! The Democratic National Committee (DNC) announced the 2020 Democratic candidates who reached the threshold to qualify for the second round of debates. CNN will host the debates on July 30 and 31 in Detroit, MI.

Just a few months ago, people were saying Beto O'Rourke might be the "white Obama." Now he is watching his support and momentum collapse. If the ratings for his CNN town hall event this week are any indication of his future, it might be time for him to call it a day.

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that one of the most juvenile and narcissistic professions continues its rapid descent into complete parody, but here I am. Tuesday, winners of the Cronkite awards were announced and you would know that CNN won for "Excellence in Television Political Journalism," specifically for their Parkland Shooting Townhall following the Valentine's Day school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas Highschool. "Cronkite Award Winners prove facts matter," reads the official release.

Elizabeth Warren's unjustifiable claim to be Native American for employment purposes continues to frame the narrative of her presidential campaign. Call it the Apology Phase. The first phase was the Family Lore Phase. That Phase lasted from late April 2012, when it was first discovered she claimed to be Native American, until the summer of 2018. Warren repeatedly insisted she was Native American based on what her family told her, and anyone who questioned her story was attacking her parents.

By the time you read this, Ralph Northam may or may not still be Governor of Virginia. He is paying the price for the gotcha racial politics he and Democrats use against others, except in this case there actually is a there there, in the form of his medical school yearbook photo showing him either in blackface or a Klan robe (not clear which he is), VA DEM Gov. Ralph Northam quickly moves from infanticide scandal to blackface/KKK yearbook mess.