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Blogging Tag

I'm just getting this feeling: A life of perpetual opposition....

Michele Walk has noticed that Alan Grayson is gracing these pages with great frequency, and adds "I hope people are clicking on the ads -- nothing sweeter than making Grayson pay conservative bloggers!" I fully understand sentiment, but ...

Michele Walk, who along with Kathleen helped me out on some social media things and who now works for Engage, links to an interesting post at Mashable about eye tracking of Facebook pages performed by EyeTrackShop Inc. Here's the image of what people see on a Facebook page:   I'm...

Since the new blog went live in mid-June, I've only banned about a dozen people (compared to 2700+ registered users). I've banned someone who gratuitously insulted Kathleen, someone who had the "N" word in the registered e-mail address (no need to wait for that person to...

It's been a really long time (almost two years, I think) since I've done this. A number of readers have been very generous over the years both in making one time donations and monthly subscriptions (starting at $5 per month) [Some people have had trouble with these...

Dr. Melissa Clouthier writing about An Indictment Of Right Leaning Journalism By Ben Domenech: Here’s the nutshell: The Left-leaning journalism investigates the right. The Right-leaning journalism provides commentary and (and Ben doesn’t say this, but I am) when they do rarely investigate, investigates the right after being...

I have been warned almost since I started blogging that one of these days I would show up on University of Chicago Law School Professor Brian Leiter's radar and that his world-renowned pettiness and nastiness would be visited upon me. But at least I'm in good...

Reader David e-mails with the subject line "Is this a joke?" accompanied by this screenshot: I have no control over Google Ads. The good news is that Grayson wasted money advertising on a blog where everyone thinks he is a joke. While we're on the subject, let's...

... when I'm a big, powerful blogger, I'll get offers like this: CHARGING IN MY GARAGE RIGHT NOW:  A NISSAN LEAF.  Actually, it’s fully charged  this morning after about 12 hours on the 110v portable charger.  No, I didn’t buy one:  The Nissan folks loaned me...

The long-promised Phase 2 is here: Phase 2 will take place sometime over the summer [hah!], hopefully sooner rather than later.  Phase 2 will include the creation of a format off the home page for registered users in which we can focus on specific political races,...

That's how Ben Smith describes what he used to do at Politico.  (BTW, I've always distinguished bloggers at Politico from the news operation.) He's now transformed, as of today, his personal blog at Politico into a mini whatever, with his own staff, a mechanism he sees...

Donald Douglas recounts his tale of being sued by copyright-lawsuit factory Righthaven, Beating Righthaven. I was aware that Donald had been sued along with dozens of others for running the infamous photo of the TSA worker checking the junk of a passenger.  I didn't blog about it because...

TaxProf is out with the rankings of law professor blogs for the trailing 12 months as of September 30, 2011, and we are no. 3 both for page views and visits.  (Note: Instapundit is not included since its stats are not public, so really we're...

I don't always agree with Jennifer Rubin, the not-liberal blogger at The Washington Post, who used to blog at Commentary. But I respect her because unlike the Stockholm Syndrome suffering not-liberal columnists at The New York Times, Rubin is willing to take on her own newspaper. This...

Sometime in the past day or two we passed 2000 registered users. About three months after the new blog landed safely. Phase 2 is coming, I promise. Previous entries: The 500, The 1000....

October 12, 2008, a day which shall live in infamy. The day of the first post at this thing called a blog which some guy decided to call Legal Insurrection: Obama is “Door  No. 2″ It seemed like a good idea at the time. Three years later the scorecard shows over 9,750,000...

Another excellent conservative blog is lost. I've read and linked to the Blog Prof pretty much since I started Legal Insurrection.  In fact, we started our blogs around the same time, and we even picked a similar Blogger template and color scheme (for those of you...

"Passive-aggressive whining about people who dare to disagree with you" is Jim Treacher's latest comment here, directed at me. Bizarre.  He's been commenting furiously in the comment section here because I wrote a post critical of The Daily Caller's handling of the Mike Tyson video about Sarah Palin. My...