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Blogging Tag

FULL METAL SATURDAY. Or as Frank Burns said, "It's nice to be nice to the nice."...

Another conservative secretly takes to the internet. The Commissioner: Where sports and politics collide. Ouch. But one thing, another new blog in the Ithaca area without name, rank and serial number. How can people attack you if you don't identify yourself? Maybe that's the point....

The internet is abuzz with photos of Pork Brains In Milk Gravy, allegedly the "worst food product ever." I beg to differ with these pundits, who obviously have not heard of The Testicle Cookbook: Cooking With Balls, by Serbian chef Ljubomir R. Erovic, who dedicates...

Another fed-up, closet conservative has started a blog, Bread Upon The Waters. Check it out. Here's part of the first post, which expresses the frustration -- and fear of discovery -- so many of us felt before we liberated ourselves and came out of the...

This must be some sort of plot to undermine Republican opposition to Obama's stimulus plan. Online marketers of "free government money" get-rich-quick schemes now are targeting Republicans:Where did I find this? Through a Google Ad over at Finkelblog. Seems like Mark's audience must have been...

I am warning you, do not click here to see one of the most fowl photos ever. That being the infamous "pigeon" smuggler, caught with his pants down. I would have posted the photo myself, but I would lose the few readers I have. ...

At least they spelled my name correctly:Over at Legal Insurrection Blog, they've been banging the drum for Governor Blagojevich and against a guilty verdict on the Impeachment for quite some time. Blogger William Jacobson has been pointing out Ricky Hendon as a guy who has...

Whenever it is a slow news day, or some event (like the Obama inauguration) is sucking the air out of the media and internet, someone whose blog I follow invariably posts a picture of a pretty woman under some pretext. When the picture pops up...

Professor Stephen Baindridge, of "Professor Baindridge" fame, is simplifying and scaling back his blog as a result of "suffering for a while now from a severe case of blogging burnout." When one of the "giants" of blogging needs a break, one has to wonder if...

I recently identified Blogger Mood Disorder, "a condition in which one's mood swings up and down in sync with the level of blog traffic."The Other McCain (the one who has never lost an election) then identified two syndromes related to BMD, "SiteMeter Fever" and "Bloggernoia."...

Although I only have been blogging for fewer than three months, I have identified a problem which must be quite common. I'll call it Blogger Mood Disorder. I have no psychiatric background, but I can identify the symptoms and have come up with the following...