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Bernie Sanders Tag

The Democratic Socialists of America provide considerable energy for Democrat candidates. The label Democratic Socialist is embraced by Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, among others. The DSA just held its annual conference, and it was pretty much what you would expect when 1000 socialists got together -- it devolved at times into self-parody.

The second round of Democrat presidential debates have caused even more clown car chaos for a party clearly struggling to find its footing. Not only was the second round of debates a ratings failure for CNN, but the candidates on night one were called out for being too extreme by their own party and the candidates on night two assailed Obama. Both the extremism and the attacks on Obama have stirred leftists to respond.

Elizabeth Warren's not practicing what she preaches is a recurring theme in her political career, beyond her Native American problem. As we covered in 2012 and again recently, Warren made millions representing large corporations in legal cases hostile to consumers and workers, yet portrayed that work completely differently: Elizabeth Warren’s erroneous claim to have tried to help women with breast implant claims when she represented Dow Chemical

As I wrote a couple of weeks ago, Sen. Bernie Sanders's (I-VT) polling numbers have declined for months. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has been the primary beneficiary of his falling numbers, in part, by aggressively appealing to the same radical base that Sanders has been trying to win over. But the results from a fresh round of polls that came out after last week's debate indicate Sanders's issues go way beyond Warren.