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The lesson Democrats are learning from the evisceration of the Democratic Party at the state level, the continuing loss of control of Congress, and the defeat in the presidential election is not that Democrats need to move back to the center. No, it's that Democrats need to move not just further to the left, but to the fringe left. Several top Democrats, including Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Chuck Schumer, are backing Keith Ellison, Democratic Congressman from Minnesota, as the next DNC Chair. Daily Kos reports:

The rift between Hillary and Bernie Sanders supporters may not be as healed as Democrats would like to think. In the video below, a young man who identifies himself as a Bernie fan speaks at a Hillary event and trashes her before being removed from the stage. The Daily Caller has the details:
Speaker Slams Hillary At Clinton Rally, Immediately Gets Dragged Off Stage [VIDEO] Kaleb Vanfosson was scheduled to introduce Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders at a rally for Hillary Clinton in Ames, Iowa, Saturday, but things didn’t go as planned for the campaign.

Remember when Mitt Romney stated the obvious at a private fundraiser, that 47% of people want government handouts because of their life circumstances? And there was an unending media feeding frenzy that likely cost Romney the election? The fact that the initial leaked tape was incomplete and left out context made no difference. Well, Hillary Clinton just had such a moment in a private fundraiser, in wording (listen to audio later in post) eerily similar to Romney's, but directed at younger people and Bernie supporters. Politico reports:

Surprising candor from Chris Cuomo . . . CNN host Cuomo was discussing the Obama birther issue with Bernie Sanders this morning [it's expected that Trump will make a statement on the matter today.] Sanders mentioned that no one ever asks whether he was born in America despite the fact that his father was born abroad [in Poland.] Ever on the alert for racism, Sanders suggested the reason has to do with the color of his skin [see screencap of Sanders pointing to his skin.] That's when Cuomo said something surprising: "you don't think it was about the fact that the records seemed a little sketchy, that he wouldn't put them out?" Shocking to see Cuomo say something not aligned with the MSM bandwagon, which of course continues to excoriate Trump for ever having raised the issue.

Now that Hillary Clinton is the official Democratic nominee, a significant number of Bernie Sanders supporters are gravitating to Green Party candidate Jill Stein, who seems happy to have them. The question is whether support for Stein will have any impact on the outcome of the election and if she's capable of picking up where Bernie left off. Clare Foran writes at The Atlantic:
Can Jill Stein Lead a Revolution? Jill Stein takes public transportation to the Democratic National Convention. On the day after Hillary Clinton made history as the first woman to win a major party presidential nomination, the Green Party presidential candidate is on the subway en route to the Wells Fargo Center. Adoring fans spot her on the way over and demand selfies. A heavily tattooed woman complains to Stein: “It’s been a Hillary party the whole time. It’s like brainwash, like waterboarding. It’s awful.”

Yesterday, the real story of Day #3 of the Democratic Party convention was the organized, outside demonstrations in which delegates and other progressives decried the #DNCLeak and Hillary Clinton's rigged nomination. As I suspected, Bernie Sanders' delegates did have something special planned for Day #4 and Clinton's formal acceptance address. And so did Democratic Party operatives, who worked hard to prevent protests, disruptions and distractions.

The Democratic National Convention is off to a great start for anyone who enjoys watching the Democratic Party implode under its own internal divisions. Not only are Bernie Sanders supporters putting on a show outside the convention center, they're in the hall and making themselves heard. That's a problem for the people who control the party. Blake Neff reports at the Daily Caller:
Bernie Fans Claim Their Signs Are Being Seized At Convention Bernie Sanders supporters at the Democratic National Convention claim people are seizing pro-Sanders signs in an effort to suppress the heavy support he is receiving on the convention floor.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz is having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week.  With the revelation of her involvement—as DNC chair—in scuttling the Bernie Sanders campaign, she has been ousted from her convention role, and Sanders is today iterating his call for her resignation. According to Fox News, a Democrat source said Wasserman Schultz has been "quarantined."

Kemberlee reported that leaked emails put out by Wikileaks suggested that DNC scuttled the Bernie Sanders campaign and were targeting his religion as part of their plans. Hillary probably wishes these email were the ones deleted, as they clearly show that instead of treating Sanders as serious candidate for the Democratic ticket, the DNC worked against him and his campaign to ensure Clinton received the nomination.
One email from DNC Deputy Communications Director Eric Walker to several DNC staffers cites two news articles showing Sanders leading in Rhode Island and the limited number of polling locations in the state: “If she outperforms this polling, the Bernie camp will go nuts and allege misconduct. They’ll probably complain regardless, actually.” Instead of treating Sanders with impartiality, the DNC exhibits resentful disdain toward him and the thousands of disenfranchised voters he could have brought into the party.

The Green Party's Jill Stein has a great idea for Bernie Sanders. She wants him to take her place as the presidential candidate for the party. Sanders isn't likely to take her up on the offer, but it sure is fun to think about. The Guardian reported:
Green party's Jill Stein invites Bernie Sanders to take over ticket Bernie Sanders has been invited to continue his underdog bid for the White House by the Green party’s probable presidential candidate, who has offered to step aside to let him run.

Bernie Sanders supporters have been clinging to a hope that if the FBI recommended indictment for Hillary Clinton, there was a chance the Democratic Party would dump her and nominate Bernie instead. That hope ended this week. Now that the FBI has let her off the hook, nothing will stop her nomination. Many Bernie supporters are disgusted and who could blame them? CNN reports:
Sanders supporters melt down over FBI's Clinton decision It's not only Donald Trump and Republicans expressing their indignation at the FBI's decision not to recommend charges against Hillary Clinton over her handling of classified materials on a private email server.

After a long and bitter primary battle, Bernie Sanders is finally saying he'll vote for Hillary Clinton, an admission that's got to sting his most ardent supporters. Like Elizabeth Warren, Sanders will now throw his support behind the official candidate of Wall Street and big banks. Unlike Warren, he's not endorsing Hillary just yet. NPR reports:
Bernie Sanders Says He'll Vote For Clinton (Still No Endorsement, Though) Bernie Sanders said he'll vote for Hillary Clinton in November — but more than two weeks after she became the presumptive Democratic nominee, Sanders remains in the race.

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest labeled the investigation into then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's emails as "criminal." From Fox News:
“That's why the president, when discussing this issue in each stage, has reiterated his commitment to this principle that any criminal investigation should be conducted independent of any sort of political interference,” Earnest said.
Fox News had asked Earnest if President Barack Obama's endorsement for Clinton for president "might apply pressure to investigators assigned" to her case.