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In the wake of the horrifying revelations about Planned Parenthood, the nation's governors are moving to defund or severely restrict funding to the nation's top abortion provider. Ohio governor and 2016 presidential hopeful John Kasich joins ten governors, including Wisconsin's Scott Walker, Texas's Greg Abbott, and Kansas's Sam Brownback, in taking a stand against our tax dollars going to fund abortions and the other questionable practices revealed last year. The Alliance Defending Freedom announced this morning that Kasich signed into law an Ohio bill that severely restricts taxpayer monies going to "abortion businesses such as Planned Parenthood."
The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Casey Mattox regarding HB 294, an Ohio measure signed into law Sunday by Gov. John Kasich that significantly restricts public funding for abortion businesses such as Planned Parenthood, making Ohio the 10th state to take action in recent months to strip taxpayer dollars from the abortion giant:

Thursday, Planned Parenthood filed suit against pro-life undercover video makers, Center for Medical Progress or CMP. CMP released a series of undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood doctors and managers from around the country haggling over the price of aborted baby parts. Reuter's reports:
The lawsuit filed in federal court in San Francisco against anti-abortion group the Center for Medical Progress alleges conspiracy and fraud among other violations in connection with the recordings. The videos, which were released in July, sparked widespread controversy by purporting to show Planned Parenthood officials trying to negotiate prices for aborted fetal tissue.

We haven't written about the shooting at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado yet, because the facts as to the shooting and shooter seem so in flux. As is usually the case, there is a large-scale media operation underway to tie the shooter to the anti-abortion movement and specifically the undercover videos about Planned Parenthood's sale of unborn children parts and tissue. The problem is, there are precious few facts proving such a connection. There are reports based on anonymous sources that the shooter mentioned "baby parts" to police, but we don't know that for sure or in what context. It's also curious that the shooter does not appear to have shot people in the clinic, but did kill people, including a policeman, while shooting from the clinic. Carly Fiorina was on Fox News this morning, and hit out at the attempts to tie the pro-life movement to the shooting as a "typical left-wing tactic."

The Supreme Court agreed to consider the constitutionality of a 2013 Texas law (HB 2) that resulted in the closure of half the state's abortion clinics, according to SCOTUS blog. The earliest Whole Women's Health vs. Cole would be heard is February. The issue:
Whether, when applying the “undue burden” standard of Planned Parenthood v. Casey, a court errs by refusing to consider whether and to what extent laws that restrict abortion for the stated purpose of promoting health actually serve the government’s interest in promoting health; and (2) whether the Fifth Circuit erred in concluding that this standard permits Texas to enforce, in nearly all circumstances, laws that would cause a significant reduction in the availability of abortion services while failing to advance the State’s interest in promoting health - or any other valid interest.
According to the pro-life advocacy group, Texas Right to Life, "until SCOTUS completes a review of the constitutionality of HB 2, the law’s safety standards are delayed from taking effect in Texas."

In a word -- horrific. Two weeks ago, abortionist Michael Roth hit a special needs child while driving. "14 containers of human tissue, possibly fetuses, medical equipment and large amounts of Fentanyl," were found in his car according to Detroit local news. It was this discovery that lead to the police raid of Roth's home Wednesday afternoon.

Tuesday, Planned Parenthood President Cecil Richards testified before a Congress. During the five-hour-long hearing, Congresswoman Mia Love asked Richards how many mammogram machines Planned Parenthood has at their disposal. Contrary to the organization's long-standing claims, Richards admitted they have none.

Carly Fiorina killed it during the last debate. Polling has her in second place behind Donald Trump, marking a whopping 12% increase in support from earlier this month. Considering she very nearly didn't make the cut for CNN's GOP throwdown, I think we can all afford to throw her props. Love her, hate her, or have questions about her, registered voters have spoken---they want to see more. It's not surprising; many pundits predicted that all Carly needed to raise her profile within the crowded Republican field was a chance to steal the spotlight. She did it. Her star is rising, and she's using the opportunity not only to hit back at her most vocal opponents, but to bolster her conservative bona fides before a divided voter pool. It's a continuation of the strategy she used earlier this summer---when her polling numbers sat below 5%---but it's still effective. This time around, Fiorina is rebooting the conversation on abortion with a new Carly for America PAC ad that lashes out against Democrats who refused to acknowledge the existence of the Planned Parenthood sting videos after she referenced them in the CNN debate. It's an intense ad, and be warned---it contains graphic images from the now-infamous sting videos. Watch:

Back in 2013, the conservative media engaged in a frantic effort to force mainstream outlets to cover the Kermit Gosnell trials. News of Gosnell's crimes first surfaced in 2010, when the FBI partnered with local authorities and raided his Philadelphia offices. Gosnell was a "well-respected" late term abortion provider---bad enough by definition---but what investigators found absolutely defied any existing narrative:
The doctor was suspected of selling prescription drugs illegally. However, what investigators discovered upon entering the clinic was unthinkable. Blood stained floors. A feral cat roaming the hallways and examination rooms. Fetal remains in the staff food freezers. A row of jars containing severed feet. As investigators began interviewing employees, they learned that Dr. Gosnell employed a tactic that he called “snipping.” Women who came in for late-term abortions would be induced, live babies would be born, and then Dr. Gosnell would kill the babies by severing their spinal chords with scissors.
Gosnell was sentenced to life in prison for his actions; soon after, filmmakers David Altrogge, Jennifer Brown, and Michael J. Hartnett made a short film, "3801 Lancaster," about what happened in Gosnell's clinic. A year later, they received a message from Gosnell that prompted their new project, a full-length documentary featuring interviews with Gosnell himself. The trailer for 3801 Lancaster: American Tragedy has been released, and it will give you chills:

Senator Ted Cruz has repeatedly accused his colleagues in the Senate of not fighting hard enough to defund Planned Parenthood. The bill currently funding the government will expire on September 30, and Cruz has asked the other Republican members of the Senate to oppose any further funding bills that allocate money for Planned Parenthood. He's willing to risk a government shutdown in what he insists is an attempt to ensure that no federal dollars flow to the abortion business; other Republican senators, however---even those who boast an ardently pro-life record---oppose this tactic, saying that it offers no path to victory (with "victory" being the actual defunding of Planned Parenthood.) Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) recently penned a letter to Senator Cruz, asking him to explain how he plans to move from legislative opposition, to government shutdown, to the end of funding for Planned Parenthood. More from CBS News:
"Given the challenges and threats we face at home and abroad, I oppose risking a government shutdown, particularly when it appears there is no chance of achieving a successful result," Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-New Hampshire, wrote to Cruz in a letter first obtained by local television station WMUR. "Nevertheless, as I understand it, you have been circulating a letter to our colleagues asking them to oppose any government funding bill that continues to authorize funding for Planned Parenthood."

The Center for Medical Progress' investigation into Planned Parenthood's body parts-for-profit scandal has the pro-life community screaming for change, and the pro-choice community scrambling to circle the wagons before their entire system of "sexual freedom" and "fertility management" comes crashing down. One prog-feminist website decided to take a different approach to CMP's revelations. Rather than focusing on a defense of Planned Parenthood and choice, they decided to go after Holly O'Donnell, whose on-camera testimony about what she saw during her time as a procurement tech for StemExpress has served as a definitive nail in the coffin of Planned Parenthood. RH Reality Check author Sharona Coutts did some digging online, and figured out that O'Donnell's sexual preferences were a far cry from what progressives believe is the stereotypical norm for conservative, pro-life activists. Using content pulled from various dating websites and social platforms, Coutts ran a sexually-charged dox on O'Donnell, claiming that O'Donnell's propensity to enjoy sex like a normal human being somehow unveiled the hypocrisy of the pro-life movement. Fortunately, this little act of pillow talk terrorism backfired spectacularly.

Longtime readers know the history of Legal Insurrection and Mia Love, whose success was one of the most satisfying moments for Legal Insurrection. This interview with Lou Dobbs shows why we've supported her since the start. Via Washington Examiner. Love became very emotional when discussing the Planned Parenthood videos:
Freshman Rep. Mia Love, R-Utah, had to wipe away tears while talking about the undercover Planned Parenthood videos on the Fox Business network Wednesday night. "It's our job to protect those who do not have a voice to protect themselves, and to see what is actually happening to babies while they're still alive, I mean, it's horrific," said Love. "This is not about a Right or Left issue – this is right or wrong, and whether we are going to stand up for those who cannot speak for themselves, or if we're going to just turn a blind eye and pretend that this is not happening," she added, wiping away tears.... "This is who we are as Americans; our job is to protect human life," said Love as tears streamed down her face. Love said she has "always been pro-life" and that as a mother and wife, she wants the American people to know what is happening and "stand up" to protect life.
On Iran, she was just as powerful:

Today the Center for Medical Progress released another video containing damning testimony about the Planned Parenthood body parts-for-profit scandal. The 10 minute video contains more testimony from Holly O'Donnell, a former StemExpress procurement tech whose previous testimony threw into full relief just how far Planned Parenthood was willing to sink to turn a profit. The newly released footage features details about how Planned Parenthood customizes the procedure to ensure that late-term abortions produce intact fetal remains---which are much more valuable than the sum of parts taken piece by piece. It also includes outside images (which are graphic and heartbreaking, so be prepared) showing what a 19-20 week fetus looks like outside the womb. Watch the whole thing. (Things get incredibly graphic at the 6 minute mark.)

Dr. Ben Carson appeared on Your World with Neil Cavuto this week and spoke about Planned Parenthood, calling abortion the number one killer of black people. Later in the week, he was asked about his comments on the O'Reilly Factor by guest host Eric Bolling and stood by his statement. Ken Meyer of Mediaite has more:
As Bolling asked him about abortion rates in black communities, Carson responded by saying it was a matter of deciding whether those black lives matter as much. “The number one cause of death for black people is abortion, and I wonder if maybe some people might at some point become concerned about that and ask, why is that happening,” Carson said. He went on to continue his point about Sanger’s alleged eugenics leanings, saying that if Parenthood employees learned about her, they’d be less keen to defend their practices:
I encourage people to go and read about Margaret Sanger and go and read about the beginnings of this organization so that you know what you’re dealing with. One of the ways that they’re able to perpetrate the deceit is because people are not informed. The more people are informed, the less likely these kinds of things happen.
Watch the full exchange below:

Dr. Ben Carson came into the public eye with his 2013 Prayer Breakfast speech at the White House.  Conservatives, myself included, were thrilled to see a prominent physician speak out for life and against many Obama policies . . . with Obama squirming in his chair only a few feet away. We love someone who is brave enough to stand for their principles and unafraid to take on the powers that be (as witnessed by the strong conservative support we are currently seeing for Trump). Dr. Carson was, many conservatives thought and still think, just what the doctor ordered. There was a hiccup along the way, however, when Dr. Carson made his remarks that the Second Amendment should only being applied to some people, depending on where they live. Populated areas, he felt, were not the place for legal gun ownership. He later clarified these remarks and asserted that he is "extremely pro–Second Amendment, no question about it,” and the issue kind of faded away. Now, Dr. Carson is facing another controversy stemming from Dr. Jen Gunter's blog post stating that he "once did research on 17-week aborted fetal tissue." It seems that Dr. Carson was one of several authors listed on a paper, published in Human Pathology in 1992, detailing his and others' study of adult and fetal tissue.

The Center for Medical Progress released its sixth Planned Parenthood video Wednesday. Human Capital Episode 2: Inside the Planned Parenthood Supply Site revisits the story of former Blood and Tissue Procurement Technician, Holly O’Donnell. "The co-workers I had -- they would not consent the donors," said O'Donnell. "If there was a higher gestation and the techs needed it, there were times when they would just take what they wanted and these mothers don't know. There's no way they would know... it's terrifying." O'Donnell tells a story about a patient she met with who refused to give consent for blood and tissue donation. Later a different tech, knowing the patient was unwilling to donate, took blood samples anyway. Unlike previous videos, this one does contain graphic images though the content is still disturbing:

This week, the Center for Medical Progress released its fourth Planned Parenthood sting video. This video, like those before it, shows undercover activists teasing out evidence suggesting that Planned Parenthood is in the business not only of providing abortions, but selling the resulting "fetal tissue" for profit. Via WaPo:
Like the three previous releases from the Center for Medical Progress, the latest video contains accusations of illegal and unethical activity: First, it argues that Planned Parenthood profits from compensation as part of fetal parts donations; and second, that clinics may alter procedures to provide more intact specimens, in violation of established ethical standards for fetal parts collection. “We have to kind of see the baseline of how things are getting extracted now and see if we can do any work with them to maybe be more gentle,” Ginde says in the video. She adds that the clinic has little control over whether specimens come out intact or not, but adds, “Sometimes, if we get, if someone delivers before we get to see them for a procedure, then we are intact.” ... In another portion of the video, the undercover actors are allowed to observe the specimen collection process inside a Planned Parenthood clinic. “Do people do stuff with eyeballs?” Ginde asks the undercover actor. Later, a medical assistant notes that a specimen is “another boy.”

A second undercover video released by the Center for Medical Progress Monday shows Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Medical Directors’ Council President, Dr. Mary Gatter, bargaining over dismembered baby part prices with investigators. It took me several attempts to get through this video due to the nature of the content, so please proceed accordingly.

Tuesday brought with it a devastating news cycle. Video footage showed a Planned Parenthood doctor munching on salad, sipping red wine, casually chatting about harvesting baby hearts and livers for cash. Towards the end of the video footage, the undercover videographers approach Planned Parenthood President, Cecile Richards (Daughter of Former Texas Governor Ann Richards), identifying themselves as employees of an organ harvesting organization. Richards says of the baby part harvesting abortion doctor, "she's amazing." Since the horrifying footage was released, Planned Parenthood claimed the video was "heavily edited," and "falsely portrays Planned Parenthood’s participation in tissue donation programs." Meanwhile, the company buying aborted baby body parts from planned parenthood appears to have taken their website down, according to Life News. Richards personally sounded off on Twitter defending Planned Parenthood and also quoting... Jane Austen? We decided to take a cursory look at those Richards supports and those that support Richards' work. This list is by no means exhaustive.