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From reader Henry: I’ve always told my kids that any vehicle sporting more than 3 bumper stickers is probably owned by a “wacko”. Here are a couple of photos of such a car that I spotted this morning in Santa Fe, NM. I note that...

Is it me, or does it seem like we are getting plenty of anti-Obama bumper stickers spotted on vehicles in hostile territory? I’m seeing more in Ithaca than ever before. From friend of the blog Jenny from Vegas: @leginsurrection I love this one. I snapped...

From commenter Calypso Facto: Bumper stickers …. Or tailgate stickers, in this case. As seen in DeForest, WI last week. Merging right!

From reader Joseph: Tolerance and respect are only workable if Jews consider themselves the equivalent of fish meal. Taken in Teaneck, NJ, a town with a large Orthodox Jewish population.

From reader Judy: Saw this car in St. Charles, MO. Notice the nifty home-made bumper stickers on the very expensive car! The stickers say: “Offshore” Mitt Emily’s List Stands for Women Dressage? Give me a break! Not a Republican (Really?) Bin Laden is dead GM...

From reader Bill in Texas: I continue to be an avid reader of your blog. Congratulations on its continued, spectacular growth! One day after Obama shows up in Austin searching for cash from people who didn’t build their own businesses, this appears on the road....

We have had many bumper stickers with the “O” logo, but none so simple and direct as just saying “NO”. From reader Tracy: We took this photo tonight in the middle of the crosswalk linking Davidson College to the Davidson Village Green. Davidson is a...

From reader M: If you like your bumper stickers big… This was spotted on the I-78 headed East in Carlsbad, CA. Political bumper stickers are a rarity in this traditionally Red area, but more likely to be liberal. Love the blog. Keep up the good...

From reader J: I have the privilege of living in Charlottesville, recently named the smartest city in America. Yet most of the bumper stickers we see are like the one in the first attached JPG [to be run at later date], no doubt because of...

I don’t normally run bumper stickers not actually seen on a car, but a reader created this one and I like it so much, I’ll make an exception to the rule. From reader Andy:

I have noticed a lot of homemade bumper stickers lately. From reader Jeff: Mr. Jacobson – I have posted a bumper sticker before. Here is one I had made up after reading some comments by Charles Krauthammer. This one is on my car and seems...

Which came first, the terrorism or the war? From reader Jonathan in Boston: I’m a long-time reader of your blog. Please keep up the good work! I spotted these bumper stickers on my way to school today. You would think I would be immune to...

Considering some of the bumper stickers on this car, I wonder what the owner considers negativity. One person’s positivity is another person’s negativity, I guess. Spotted in Ithaca not too far from my house:

for free. Because taking your stuff is a basic human right.  And they know their rights. From reader Tacitus2: Greetings from Wisconsin, land of the permanent election cycle. Spring is here and I have been seeing more bumper stickers than usual. I append one I...

I’m not sure of what. From reader Steve, who writes: From a gentrified rural nursery in the Seattle metro area.

From reader Ulises, who took this photo in Cockeysville, MD, and writes: Further proof that buyers of “coexist” bumper stickers have no sense of irony…

Spotted in Ithaca, this is a variation on the ubiquitous anti-fracking bumper stickers. Gas or water? This driver obviously chose gas, because the car was filthy.