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and all the others who have served this country. From reader and frequent photographer Linda: To you and yours, Professor God bless you for your work in the cause of liberty for all. May we all have cause to be especially thankful come Thanksgiving 2012!...

to see readers wait for a red light to take a bumper sticker photo. Thanks to reader Ira who writes: Love the blog, and look forward to all the bumper stickers. Attached is one I observed in Naples, FLA almost two weeks ago, while on...

Thanks to frequent photographer Thomas who took this photo back in August, and writes: Here are some bumper stickers spotted this sunny afternoon in Portland, Oregon. Apparently, going to hell and back makes you an Obama voter.

Sums up the bumper stickers of this West L.A. lefty’s Prius.  Of course, thanks to experimentation on rats and other animals, we aren’t dying in droves at young ages like the pilgrims.

This could not wait for a bumper sticker post, and anyway, no bumper stickers were involved, Anti-Obama sign in Uptown neighborhood draws controversy (h/t reader Leland): NEW ORLEANS — There are several political signs attracting all kinds of attention in one Uptown neighborhood. On Wednesday, crowds gathered...

Things are so bad people can’t even afford to buy bumper stickers anymore. Another installment of the “we’re mad as …” series this week. Spotted by reader Larry in Miami, who apologizes for the “Socialism” bumper sticker being cut off, he says the full sticker...

Thanks to all the readers who have been sending bumper sticker photos. One thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of drivers are willing to express themselves is quite vehement terms against Obama and Democrats.  Has the fear of getting keyed or worse worn off?...

Thanks to reader and commenter suhrmesa, who took this photo yesterday, and writes: From Boise, ID… saw this and thought of you and Ithaca.  When in Ithaca, walk the parking lot at Wegman’s and enjoy those that are “screaming to be heard” via bumper stickers....

Paul Krugman has a shameful column today, shameful even by Krugman standards. Is it just me, or are the 9/11 commemorations oddly subdued? Actually, I don’t think it’s me, and it’s not really that odd. What happened after 9/11 — and I think even people...

What’s the chance these two bumper stickers would be on the same vehicle? Thanks to reader Dave, who writes: Love the blog; please keep up the great work! Here is a picture of a bumper sticker on a car parked in Arlington, Virginia.  Feel free...

for bumper stickers in a foreign language, or in Spanish.  But I get the gist of this one just by trying to pronounce it. Thanks to reader John in Texas who writes: Recent reports have President Obama’s popularity slipping in the Hispanic community. If this...

That two different readers would photograph and send me photos of the same vehicle over seven months apart?  Different angles and lighting conditions. Take a look at the vehicle in this post from January 3, 2011, sent by reader Kathryn, and this photo sent to me...

Now I can’t say bumper stickers never taught me anything. I spotted this bumper sticker in Providence last night, near Thayer Street and Brown University: My first impression was that this was some sort of political statement, but thanks to the miracle of Google, I...

Thanks to reader Phil for alerting me to this very troubling development: Stricter offensive bumper sticker law takes effect Starting Friday [July 1], Tennessee drivers caught with obscene or patently offensive bumper stickers, window signs or other markings on their vehicle visible to other drivers...