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Obviously you hate women

Obviously you hate women

I have noticed a lot of homemade bumper stickers lately.

From reader Jeff:

Mr. Jacobson – I have posted a bumper sticker before.

Here is one I had made up after reading some comments by Charles Krauthammer. This one is on my car and seems attract some attention from both sides.

Twice this weekend, I was parked next to an “Obama car” but never had the pleasure of meeting the owner(s).


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Oh, yah, and a racist…never forget the racist…

DINORightMarie | May 15, 2012 at 7:48 am

Rather interesting that reader Jeff noted Charles Krauthammer and his comments; that was a huge part of Newt’s campaign: the gas prices – before vs. after Obama, in particular. 😉

Fuel prices, food prices, gas & electric, property taxes, and on & on.

If I put that on my car, I’m can say with absolute certainty it would get keyed by my supposedly “tolerant” liberal/ leftist associates. Truth like that would sting them too much!

    Cheesecakecrush in reply to McCoy2k. | May 15, 2012 at 9:12 am

    That’s why you make 100 copies and put them on your colleague’s vehicles, then let them key each others cars. 😀

      radiofreeca in reply to Cheesecakecrush. | May 15, 2012 at 9:28 am

      That’s really evil :), but also somehow poetic justice – people who claim others are intolerant will hurt others who are intolerant. But it’s better not to go there – no matter what happens, you have to sleep with your conscience at night.

Embedded taxes in deficit spending; targeted regulatory excesses to punish American interests; institutional discrimination based on race, gender, etc; selective rule of law to protect illegal aliens and special interests, including sovereigns; progressive welfare expenditures which sponsor corruption; expanded military engagements throughout Asia, Middle East, and Africa; normalization of deviant behaviors including homosexual, elective abortion…

$5 trillion of recorded federal debt is just the beginning.

That represents some kind of “progress”. I would classify it as negative. It seems that evolutionary dysfunction is invited and not imposed.