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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Given the epic failure of the Democratic Party's caucus app, you might think that it would lead to some reflection about how much managing its members should actually be attempting to handle.


The Trump impeachment circus has packed up and left town. Wednesday, Trump was acquitted of both impeachment charges. Thursday, Trump gave a public announcement to discuss the trial and acquittal. In true Trump form, it was a victory lap. And who can blame him? He was the subject of a political witch hunt, if ever there was one, and came out on the other end unscathed. This could not be worse for Democrats.

Surprisingly, I'm not angry at Mitt Romney for his vote to convict Donald Trump for abuse of power and to remove him from office. I disagree with it, strongly, but anger isn't my emotion. "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me" is more my emotion. Disgust is more my emotion. Romney has disappointed so many times, I'm numb to him.