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This headline at DEBKAfile is spot on, Barack Obama wins reelection: Mid East faces nuclear Iran, Brotherhood grip: The prospect of another four years of Obama in the White House fills some Middle East nations, including the Persian Gulf and Israel, with trepidation. They envisage a...

The live feed for the night will have frequent updates from Twitter feeds — in my view the best way for you to keep track of results. But here are some resources you may find useful: MAP of closing times, via PJ Tatler via Politico:...

I am going to regret doing this. You can send me reports and photos, and I will selectively post them. If things get overwhelming, as on National Empty Chair Day, I may have to call it off! If you have reports without photos, do not...

I was a student in Moscow when the Miracle on Ice took place. The stats were all on the Soviet’s side.  They had the more professional operation.  They were more seasoned and organized.  Statistically, the Soviets had at least an 87% likelihood of winning. But we...

Thanks for your comments on blog format for Election Day. You came down pretty much were I was — not thrilled with those “live blog” formats like CoverIt Live (which has priced me out of contention).  There are alternatives, but I think I have something...

From Carole: I took a picture of the message on this Tahoe yesterday at the corner of Washington and Live Oak in Dallas, Texas. From Tim: There are four big signs like these in eastern NC that I know of. These two are near Kinston...

Joe Biden just accused Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan of being liars. How rich is that, coming from a man whose own 1988 campaign for president ended after he was caught plagiarizing a rising British politician? It was no ordinary plagiarism—you know, like candidate Obama’s...

I have to spend much of the day figuring out what we’re going to do on Election Day and Night, and with headlines swarming today, I’ll just keep posting links, and you can do the same in the comments: All tied up in … Pennsylvania?...

I am and always have been a liberal. I was raised to revere the Democratic party and feel contempt for the party of Richard Nixon (as well as the man himself). Democrats, everyone agreed, were freer spirits.  Uptight Republicans, everyone agreed, lighted cigars with hundred-dollar...

You’d think that after four years of looking forward to Tuesday, I’d have a master plan for the blog for the day. You’d be wrong. I’m still thinking through what to do, but here’s the current thinking — During the day, have a general “Open” thread,...

I was just on Nightside with Dan Rea on WBZ 1030 in Boston, a Super Station which covers all of Massachusetts and then some, talking about my latest research on Elizabeth Warren (check back in the morning for more on that). I was pleased to announce the...

Tea Party Network News just launched yesterday. A reader alerted me to it, and while I wasn’t thrilled with the layout or design, I was hopeful it would be a valuable resource.  When it linked to one of my posts, well so much the better. ...

Trying to get as many of the reader photos out as possible before the election, since they have expiration dates. This is from commenter LukeHandCool: My wife took this picture of a Romney banner on one of the fraternities at USC when she was dropping...

by Chris Christie.  We need to focus on getting out the vote big time.  Sandy has been the perfect political storm for Obama.  It’s like calling three consecutive time outs before we were about to kick the winning field goal. We care about New Jersey...