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From the company which produced 2016: Obama’s America. Opening in theaters on October 12, 2012.  Just in time to help get people motivated. (h/t Gateway Pundit) From the archives: Andrew Breitbart dead A personal note on the death of Andrew Breitbart, . Weinergate retrospective — the...

Or is it Ma’am? Anyway, I’m still stuck on merely questioning authority. Spotted in Ithaca: [Note – this post was supposed to run at 7:00 a.m. today, but I scheduled it incorrectly.  It actually went live around 9 a.m.]

The battle between Lee Anderson and John Barrow for the fate of Georgia’s 12th Congressional district is under way and it appears that the race is going to be a tight one. This is on the Operation Counterweight final list. After a protracted primary battle,...

Just after the Benghazi attack on our consulate and the murder of four Americans, including our ambassador to Libya, I explained in a post titled Lack of Intelligence Community why I blamed our nation’s intelligence apparatus and not the White House for this colossal failure....

In response to the New York City subway attacks by Mona Eltahawy, the Egyptian-American activist, the Metropolitan Transit Authority has now determined that it will change its rules to prohibit any ads that it “reasonably foresees would imminently incite or provoke violence or other immediate...

Starting with my post Elizabeth Warren’s law license problem last Monday and continuing through the week, I have laid out the facts and documents regarding Elizabeth Warren’s practice of law from her Cambridge office over the course of a decade. I also have noted that Warren...

Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in town to follow President Obama’s address to the United Nations General Assembly, met with Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan along with peace activists and other members of “Abrahamic religions” on Tuesday evening. While both the U.S. and Israel delegations, among others, boycotted...

A group of Cook County Republicans have had it with the election fraud and Democratic machine politics of Chicago. They’re mounting an effort to fight back in one seemingly small, but in actual fact quite powerful, way. An effort led by suburban mom Sharon Meroni...

Chanting “si, se puede,” Occupy Congress protesters in Madrid, Spain, are in a standoff with police as their all-day protest of austerity measures has now continued into the evening. A livestream of the events shows clusters of police in riot gear attempting to hold back...

The always excellent Jonathan V. Last at The Weekly Standard has a remarkable piece about the corrupting influence of abortion on the left’s mindset—how elevating it to primacy status in the political arena has thoroughly distorted the thinking of otherwise smart people, forcing them to...

Update – Brown-Warren Debate – LIVE —————————- I’ll be watching, and hopefully embedding a live video if I can find an embeddable version.  At a minimum, I’ll have a link to the live feed.  Also, I may have a joint live blog feed with Red Mass...

Nothing to see here, move along. The head of the U.S. National Counter-Terrorism Center told lawmakers on Wednesday that the deadly attack on Sept. 11 that claimed the lives of the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three aides was a “terrorist” strike. But the official, Matt...

You remember Julia, the Obama campaign-issued woman who turned to government for help at various life stages.  Those stages aptly were summarized in Iowahawk’s Julia’s Circle of Life. Julia has come to symbolize the dependency state.  So I wondered what Julia must be thinking about Mitt...

What will the media do?  It has invested everything in the tape. But there is a pretty fierce counterpunch being delivered on talk radio, on Twitter, in the blogosphere, and even on television when allowed. There is good reason to believe that Obama’s post-convention bounce...