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It’s hard to know whether to cheer their disappointment or commiserate. My natural inclination is to tell them to S*** *** **** ** considering that they have subjected us to four more years. From Michael Goodwin, Obama 2: Even more reckless: People weren’t paying attention. Those are...

The United States nominally opposed the General Assembly Resolution granting nonmember state status to “Palestine.” In the short run, it changes nothing on the ground, but it does embolden the Palestinians to hold out for everything, including  a reversion to the 1949 Armistice borders, commonly...

Don’t let the recent anti-government protests fool you. The Islamists still are able to turn out large crowds in the New Egypt, as happened today in Cair0 where hundreds of thousands (how many hundreds varies from news report to news report) turned out in support of President...

The Founding Fathers owned slaves.  We knew that, didn’t we? Slavery was an institution in many places in the world, including the newly formed United States.  It took a generation and a civil war to end it here, long before it was ended elsewhere. That...

Grover Norquist is predicting a second, even larger Tea Party wave, via (h/t Instapundit): “We are about to have a Tea Party second wave that will dwarf the first wave and that is because while ‘spend too much’ brought the Tea Party into existence,...

Remember after 9/11 (the original, not the Benghazi update), when Reuters decided its stylebook would require putting the word terrorist in scare quotes on the grounds that “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter”? Well, now the Associated Press stylebook apparently insists that Mohammed...

If you believe Earth is flat, driving due east on the equator for 24,900 miles will leave you unconvinced that it’s in fact round.  Only arriving back at your point of embarkation one mile later will persuade you. Or rather, it should—but probably wouldn’t, judging...

Not THAT again. More “right-wing epistemic closure” rhetoric.  It’s all the rage these days in the wake of Mitt Romney’s loss (keeping a large House majority and gaining in the States conveniently is ignored or belittled). The theory goes that the “right wing” lives in...

A liberal feeding frenzy over Ann Coulter's appearance intimidated the University and pressured the College Republicans to cancel

As a co-founder of one of the largest California Tea Party groups (SoCal Tax Revolt Coalition), I often am asked why I choose to remain a registered Democrat. In part, it is because the state Republican party doesn’t inspire much confidence. Or, as I like...

Question: When is a college’s “diversity program” full of fail? Answer: When a group of liberal students in Massachusetts boycotts it. According to an article by Megan Patoskie, a student at Bard College – Simon’s Rock, in The Llama Ledger: Students boycotted the 7th annual Diversity...