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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


It's 8:10 a.m. Eastern, November 4, 2011, five days into the Herman Cain Scandal, and finally we have facts.Steve Deace, an anti-Cain Iowa talk show host, has made headlines which seem to corroborate that Herman Cain is a cad, as dutifully reported by ABC News,...


Eric Cantor has been a focus of verbal attacks from Democrats and the Obama administration, and has been singled out to be demonized as part of 2012 campaign strategy: NY Times: Eric Cantor Is the Democrats’ New Bogeyman Democratic Daily: Eric Cantor Becomes New Target For American Dream...

Donald Douglas recounts his tale of being sued by copyright-lawsuit factory Righthaven, Beating Righthaven. I was aware that Donald had been sued along with dozens of others for running the infamous photo of the TSA worker checking the junk of a passenger.  I didn't blog about it because...

I'm proud to announce the birth of a new website,, a project of the Cato Institute. The site is a one-stop shop for the ideology. I've been combing through it all morning and there's really nothing quite as comprehensive in terms of scope. It spans...

The Ithaca "Can Man" no longer can make a living, as reported by The Cornell Sun: Joel Harlan — whose assistant calls him the “Can Man” — has collected empty cans and bottles from Cornell’s fraternities, as well as other locations in Ithaca and around Central...

which prove that George W. Bush lied about his military service. History No. 1:  Dan cannot let you see the documents which he obtained from an anonymous source he cannot reveal.  But the documents, in Dan's estimation, reflect "inappropriate" conduct the exact nature of which cannot...

From reader Don, who writes: Saw this scrawled (spray-painted) on the underside of a bridge over the Trinity River, maybe 1.5 miles from the Occupy Dallas location. I stopped to safely take a picture. Star of David with "Zionist Occupied USA" … I suspect (but can't be...

by the behavior of numerous "conservatives" and "libertarians" on Twitter dancing on Herman Cain's (presumed) political grave. Let's sum up the "facts" as they are known right now.  Mostly unnamed people accused Herman Cain of unspecified conduct which some people who will not specify the people or...

I've been struggling to put my finger on just what it is about how Politico handled the Herman Cain allegations that I find so offensive. Michael Walsh has a good explanation, Return of the Whipsaw, which starts and ends as such: First, posit the existence of a...

Never in the history of humankind has there been an act as provocative and worthy of a presidential smackdown as the passage by the Congress of a Concurrent Resolution affirming "In God We Trust" as the national motto: Whereas `In God We Trust' is the official motto...

As it has been widely reported, Jon Corzine will get a golden parachute valued at $12.1 mn after driving MF Global into the ground. Fair enough. After all, it wasn't paid for with taxpayer money and the firm failed by making some appallingly bad bets. My only...

As you know, I've been inching closer towards Newt as the not-Romney.  I don't believe being not-Romney is enough, and of all the remaining candidates, I believe that Newt has the ability to articulate a vision of this country which establishes him as the candidate to...

The one chart that explodes the myth of U.S. income inequality (h/t @CharlieSykes). The short explanation is that individual income inequality has not expanded greatly, but since high earning people tend to group together in family units, family income inequality has expanded: Next, Here's The Chart...

Barring something truly earthshaking warranting a separate post, I'll be updating the Herman Cain story today in this post. The NY Times reports that one of Cain's accusers received a year's severance, $35,000, but that there were issues in addition to Cain that made her uncomfortable working...

that Tennessee doesn't have an income tax? From frequent photographer LInda: Update: Reader Ben writes: Re no State Income tax in TN, we spent two years, 2001-2, battling our Republican Gov Don Sundquist who tried to implement a State Income Tax 6 weeks after he was re-elected...