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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


In October, Brown University protesters prevented New York City Police Chief Ray Kelly from speaking. During Kelly's talk, titled “Proactive Policing in America’s Biggest City,” protesters loudly chanted slogans and read prepared text, drowning out Kelly. A university administrator tried to reason with the protesters, but to no avail. As a result, after a failed half-hour attempt at regaining control of the room, the lecture was cancelled. As covered extensively at Legal Insurrection, the protesters have received support from several professors, two of whom also are active in the anti-Israel movement. Leftist and anti-Israel shout downs are just about the only shout downs on campus these days. But don't think it's just Brown. There is a long history of liberals and anti-Israeli groups shouting down speakers with whom they disagree. Here are five examples other than Brown:

1. Congressman Tancredo at UNC

In 2009, students at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, brought Republican Congressman Tom Tancredo's talk about illegal immigration to a halt by shouting him down. When Tancredo asked ironically, "This is the free speech crowd, right?" a student responded, "not for hate speech!" The students continued to chant, "No dialogue with hate!" as Tancredo struggled to get across a single word.


Thanks to reader Michael for the heads up about this story. Gonzaga Students Face Possible Expulsion After Pulling Gun On Home Intruder:
Two Gonzaga students are facing possible expulsion from the University after they pulled a weapon in self defense as a six time felon attempted to get into their on campus apartment. According to the student handbook, students may not possess handguns on campus or university owned property. On Friday a university discipline board decided to move forward with sanctions, including possible expulsion, for using the weapons. The students will learn in the near future about their future with the school. It all happened late in the night on October 24th when roommates Erik Fagan and Dan McIntosh were hanging out in their university owned apartment. At 10:15 Fagan answered the door and was greeted by John Taylor. Taylor is a felon with an extensive criminal history and when he arrived Fagan said Taylor showed him what appeared to be an ankle bracelet as he tried to intimidate him. Fagan said Taylor then demanded money and was frustrated when he was turned down.

NGO Monitor keeps watch on anti-Israeli non-governmental organizations, and provides valuable research contesting many of the outlandish claims made by these mostly left-wing groups financed by European governments. The NGOs, some of which are staffed by Israeli leftists, subject Israel to a microscope no society could...

NBC's Chuck Todd was the interviewer who elicited Obama's weak non-apology last Thursday. But Todd got the distinct impression that Obama "does not believe he lied" when he made those promises about keeping your plan and keeping your doctor, period. Todd adds:
I thought what was revealing in that answer, when I asked him that direct question about this, was this a political lie that you started to believe it, was he talked about well, you know, it turns out we had trouble in crafting the law.
John Nolte at Breitbart finds that "bordering on pathological," in light of the almost overwhelming evidence that Obama knew very well that what he said would turn out to be untrue:
Obama's brazen and reckless lying is bad enough. But if Todd is correct (and I think he is) that Obama doesn't believe or understand that he lied, that means it can and will happen again.
It's not difficult to predict that it will happen again, because this is hardly the first time it has happened. But in order to understand what's going on here, it helps to understand that Obama is a man of the left, and that he is demonstrating the tried-and-true leftist practice known as doublethink, as described by George Orwell in his masterpiece Nineteen Eighty-Four. Orwell wrote that “doublethink” requires:
To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself. That was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed.

With a fevered and frantic breathless pace, Obama via John Kerry has been pushing to sign a sell-out deal with Iran that would ease sanctions without shutting down Iran's nuke program. Benjamin Netanyahu was furious when he found out that Kerry had misrepresented what the proposed agreement would be, not to mention Kerry running at the mouth to bash Israel on the talks with the Palestinians. Netanyahu was not alone.  France was uncomfortable with the deal Kerry wanted to sign, even as Kerry huddled with the Iranians trying to get 'er done. Thank you France for at least buying us some time to prevent the historic sell out of Israel that was in the offing as recently as early today. Via NY Times, Talks with Iran Fail to Produce a Nuclear Pact:
In the end, though, it was not only divisions between Iran and the major powers that prevented a deal, but fissures within the negotiating group. Earlier in the day, France objected strenuously that a proposed deal would do too little to curb Iran’s uranium enrichment or to stop the development of a nuclear reactor capable of producing plutonium.

“The Geneva meeting allowed us to advance, but we were not able to conclude because there are still some questions to be addressed,” the French foreign minister, Laurent Fabius, told reporters.

The Times of Israel reports:

We have written many times before about the "white privilege" industry, a collection of self-perpetuating activists and academics who, not being able to demonstrate racism to justify their salaries and conferences, invent it. The lack of ability to prove racism becomes the best proof of racism.  It's everywhere, unspoken, unseen, lurking behind everything and every person with white skin (whatever that is). It is .... White Privilege. White privilege is adopted wholesale as and elsewhere in the left blogosphere as well because it can't be disproven.  It is a prime example of Kafkatrapping -- the denial is the proof. Particularly when combined with maleness and Christianity, white privilege becomes the Swiss Army Knife of race cards. Or maybe the Energizer Bunny is a better reference, because it just keeps going, and going, and going. It's easy to laugh, except when you consider how deeply these theories have has permeated into society. So much so that the Pentagon is preaching the evils of "white privilege" and a male club, as part of its training materials for Equal Opportunity officers. Pentagon training manual: white males have unfair advantages:
A controversial 600-plus page manual used by the military to train its Equal Opportunity officers teaches that "healthy, white, heterosexual, Christian" men hold an unfair advantage over other races, and warns in great detail about a so-called "White Male Club." “Simply put, a healthy, white, heterosexual, Christian male receives many unearned advantages of social privilege, whereas a black, homosexual, atheist female in poor health receives many unearned disadvantages of social privilege,” reads a statement in the manual created by the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI). The manual, which was obtained by Fox News, also instructs troops to “support the leadership of people of color. Do this consistently, but not uncritically,” the manual states.

(Above image was the message earlier displayed by SEA) The Syrian Electronic Army claims it hacked the website of in retaliation for an article published in August, in which the identity of one of SEA’s leaders was alleged. From Softpedia:
The Syrian Electronic Army has hacked and deleted the article titled “Is This the Leader of the Syrian Electronic Army?” They’ve also altered the website so that visitors of would be redirected to, the hacktivists’ website. “Your website was hacked by the Syrian Electronic Army. This time we just deleted the article that you claimed in it that you exposed “Th3Pro” identity. But you didn’t. You published names of innocent people instead,” the hackers wrote in an article published on The hackers threatened Vice in late August 2013. They claim to have gained access to Vice’s systems two days after the article about the identities of alleged members had been published. However, they say they’ve postponed the attack until now because at the time, Vice was aware of the fact that they might be targeted.
The hacker group posted a screen shot of the administration panel of Vice’s presumed content management system (CMS) to its Twitter account.

What do you call 8-9 million people losing health care coverage they like in a nation of 300 million? A rounding error? Actually, probably more like 15 million at the low end, several tens of millions at the high end. But I'm not going to quibble over a few million people here or there. You know who else didn't quibble over a few million people here or there? Via MaggotAtBroadAndWall in the Tip Line
The first minute of his clip needs to be embedded on every blog, facebook page, etc. to ensure that everyone knows with unequivocal certainty that Obama deliberately and repeatedly lied to facilitate passing Obamacare under fraudulent conditions. Everybody in his administration was complicit in the fraud. As was much of academia.
Transcript via John Nolte who also has a longer video clip:

From Kurt Schlichter, "thanks, suckers": Young Obama Supporters Get Straight Talk from Conservative California Lawyer Tin Soldiers coming: Kent State Says “Aloha” to $17,000 for Hawaiian Sex Week Hey Tin Soldiers, don't lean forward: Gay Sex Pundit’s $24K Lecture on Fisting and Fetishes [Pro tip: The two links above are what...

A New York City Grand Jury has indicted 11 of the motorcycle gang that participated in the attack upon the Range Rover being driven by Alexian Lien, and also occupied by his wife and child.  (I previously covered this incident over at the my Law of Self Defense blog:  VIDEO: Range Rover Deliberately Runs Over Motorcyclists–Justifiable Self-Defense?) The ~5 minute video embedded below starts about 1 minute before the first serious interaction between Range Rover, driven by Alexian Lien, and the motorcyclists, and ends in the moments before Lien is physically hauled from his vehicle by multiple assailants and badly beaten. If you’re not familiar with it, you might take a moment to view at least the first and last minutes of the video, as those are the portions of relevance to this post:

I have been telling you for at least a year that Elizabeth Warren will be a serious challenger to Hillary, if she wants it. You have to realize that Democrats in general, and particularly the liberal base, don't give a hoot about Warren's rip-off of Cherokee...

Hi Professor, These photos might not seem extraordinary except I took them in Malibu. I spoke with the owner -- lovely woman immigrant from Eastern Europe communism. She laments the insanity of Americans who vote to make the US like the hell hole from which she escaped. Best, Bruno...

As efforts move forward toward an end of November deadline to fix the troubled website, new issues are being revealed in the process, according to a report from Reuters/via Yahoo: The Obama administration's adviser Jeffrey Zients said on Friday that the trouble-plagued federal healthcare website...

The publisher of a book authored by a source of a recent CBS '60 Minutes' report on the Benghazi attack has halted the book's publication, according to an Associated Press report: Publication has been halted for a disputed book about the attack last year on a...

Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden gained access to some classified documents at the NSA by persuading other agency colleagues to share their login credentials with him, according to an exclusive Reuters report.
Former U.S. National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden used login credentials and passwords provided unwittingly by colleagues at a spy base in Hawaii to access some of the classified material he leaked to the media, sources said. A handful of agency employees who gave their login details to Snowden were identified, questioned and removed from their assignments, said a source close to several U.S. government investigations into the damage caused by the leaks. Snowden may have persuaded between 20 and 25 fellow workers at the NSA regional operations center in Hawaii to give him their logins and passwords by telling them they were needed for him to do his job as a computer systems administrator, a second source said.
Last month, Reuters also reported the NSA failed to install the most up-to-date anti-leak software at the Hawaii facility long before Snowden had been employed there as a contractor.  The software, which had been installed at other US government facilities, is designed to detect unauthorized access attempts.
Well before Snowden joined Booz Allen Hamilton last spring and was assigned to the NSA site as a systems administrator, other U.S. government facilities had begun to install software designed to spot attempts by unauthorized people to access or download data. The purpose of the software, which in the NSA's case is made by a division of Raytheon Co, is to block so-called "insider threats" - a response to an order by President Barack Obama to tighten up access controls for classified information in the wake of the leak of hundreds of thousands of Pentagon and State Department documents by an Army private to WikiLeaks website in 2010.
The Reuters report indicated that the Hawaii facility had not yet installed the software because "it had insufficient bandwidth to comfortably install it and ensure its effective operation," according to a US official with whom the outlet spoke.

Mideast Media Sampler 11/08/2013 -- Yasser, that's a conspiracy theory....