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Seriously. Oops! Iran Strongly Rejects Text of Geneva Agreement Released by White House — DanRiehl (@DanRiehl) November 26, 2013 From Fars News Agency, Iran Strongly Rejects Text of Geneva Agreement Released by White House: TEHRAN (FNA)- The Iranian Foreign Ministry on Tuesday called invalid...

I don’t think it’s overstatement to say that Obama successfully has isolated Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by bringing the major world powers plus Germany into an Iran nuclear agreement publicly opposed by Netanyahu (and quietly by many Arab countries). The perennial thorn in Obama’s...

The nuclear agreement with Iran is being touted by the Obama administration as a significant step in keeping Iran from moving towards nuclear weapons. In reality, the agreement is confirmation of Iran’s uranium enrichment program at a relatively high level, although some of the highest...

The details are just coming out, but it appears that Iran gets to keep its uranium enrichment program, albeit on a somewhat reduced level pending 6 months of monitoring. The U.S. agreed not to unilaterally impose new sanctions during this time period, something previously under...

Mideast Media Sampler 11/14/2013 -- Any Agreement is Better than No Agreement?

Mideast Media Sampler 09/30/2013 - Even if Rouhani is a nuclear moderate, he is not rolling back Iran's war against the West