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Author: Leslie Eastman

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Leslie Eastman

I am an Environmental Health and Safety Professional, as well as a science/technical writer for a variety of news and professional publications. I have been a citizen activist since 2009, and am one of the co-founders of the San Diego-based group, Southern California Tax Revolt Coalition.

We have been following "The Most Interesting Governor's Race in the Nation", as California's "jungle primary" system offers a sizeable selection of gubernatorial hopefuls. Because of the primary rules, it is quite possible that two Democrats will be the ones on the General Election ballot. However, it is hoped that the Republicans can consolidate behind one of their better-known candidates: Businessman John Cox or State Assemblyman Travis Allen.

President Donald Trump hosted another roundtable with citizens this week. This one focused on California's contemptible "Sanctuary State" polices, and he praised several California political leaders for fighting against Sacramento rules.
City and county officials from across the state who oppose California's sanctuary-state law sat down with President Donald Trump Wednesday to voice their objections to the law, and they got a pep talk from the president who slammed the state for failing to crack down on illegal immigration.

Earlier this week, I pondered the lack of American ambassadors to 32 countries, including some critical regional or economic allies. Now, we are down a Turkish ambassador, albeit temporarily, as that nation has pulled its envoy in response to the opening of the American embassy to Israel in Jerusalem.
The Turkish Embassy in Washington says the Turkish ambassador to the United States is being called home over the Trump administration moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

In a move that has enraged green justice warriors across the globe, A $10 million per year National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) program to track key global warming contributors carbon and methane has been canceled.
The program called the Carbon Monitoring System (CMS) was cut due to 'budget constraints and higher priorities within the science budget, a spokesperson for the space agency said Thursday.

Welcome to Legal Insurection's First Annual Cultural Appreciation Day. This day was inspired by the brave response of 18-year old Keziah Daum to the social media storm she sparked by wearing a gorgeous Chinese cheongsam dress for some selfies before her prom. Daum refused to apologize after she was deluged by social justice warriors with charges of "cultural appropriation."

I am thrilled to be able to be able to share some of my "cultural appreciation" experiences with our Legal Insurrection friends. In fact, this idea came from a response I was going to make during the social justice brouhaha over 18-year old Keziah Daum's Chinese cheongsam prom dress. I, too have such a dress.

A new mural at a California charter school in a southern suburb of San Diego has quickly become notorious. The artist depicted President Trump's head on a spear.
The recently unveiled mural at the MAAC Charter School in Chula Vista, San Diego, depicts an Aztec warrior spearing Mr. Trump's decapitated, bloody head. By Wednesday, a black tarp was covering the picture after the display attracted attention.