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Author: Fuzzy Slippers

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Fuzzy Slippers

I am a constitutional conservative, a writer, and an editor.

Follow me on Twitter @fuzislippers

The latest premise Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats are pushing to impeach President Trump is just as flawed and just as insubstantial as the first one they peddled.  They point to Trump's January 6, 2021 speech and claim that his rhetoric "incited insurrection" among other equally hysterical claims.

Kemberlee blogged on Friday that Capitol Police Officer Brian D. Sicknick died. According to a Capitol Hill Police release, Sicknick "passed away due to injuries sustained while on-duty. . . . [he] was injured while physically engaging with protesters. He returned to his division office and collapsed. He was taken to a local hospital where he succumbed to his injuries."

The 'never let a crisis go to waste' crew are busily turning Wednesday's Capitol riot into their very own Reichstag fire, using it as the premise by which to ban President Trump across social media and now, apparently, to go after cable companies for being complicit in "spreading disinformation" by giving Fox News a platform.

A 45-year-old parolee named Troy McAlister should have been in prison on New Year's Eve, but instead of facing the Three Strikes life prison term he had earned through his criminal acts, he was set free by San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin. Since his April 2020 release, McAlister was arrested multiple times and released each time, with not even parole violation charges pursued. McAlister, whose long rap sheet includes robbery and carjacking, was reportedly in a stolen car and under the influence of drugs and alcohol when he ran a red light and plowed into two pedestrians, both of whom died.  McAlister fled the scene.

The new Congress convened Sunday at noon, and the House held its Speakership vote. With only a razor-thin majority, Democrats could not afford to indulge 15 members voting against Nancy Pelosi as happened two years ago, nor did AOC or the rest of the 'Squad' defect despite pressure from the left not to "sell out."

The homes of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi were vandalized in recent days.  The messages painted on their homes suggest that the vandals were motivated by the failure to approve passage of an additional $2,000 stimulus check.

A former aide to Gov. Andrew "Killer" Cuomo claimed Sunday that he "sexually harassed" her about her looks for years. Self-proclaimed progressive Lindsey Boylan, who is currently running for Manhattan borough president having failed in her 2020 bid for Jerry Nadler's House seat, claimed last week that Cuomo's office was a "toxic team environment" and that "people were deathly afraid" of him.

Following the Supreme Court's denial of the Texas lawsuit—later joined by 17 states, New Jersey Democrat Rep. Bill Pascrell is demanding that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refuse to seat the 126 House Republicans who supported the Texas suit. LI readers may recall Pascrell filing complaints against and trying to get lawyers representing President Trump disbarred.