In this week's entry in the "public official says dumb things on social media, asked to resign" files, we feature the mayor of a tiny town in Pennsylvania who used his Facebook account to post messages and images deemed racist.
to Fox News, "[Charles] Wasko was elected mayor of the borough of roughly 4,500 residents about 100 miles west of Philadelphia in 2013. Running unopposed as a Republican, he tallied 202 votes, against 78 write-in ballots for others."
Fox News continues:
Wasko isn't paid as mayor and votes only to break ties on the council. But he also oversees the police department in the borough, where the acting chief, Matthew Millsaps, said he was "disturbed" by the images.
"This in no way reflects the ideology of this department," Millsaps said, noting the department has a Hispanic man and black woman among its eight officers.