Anne Sorock Segal is a market researcher and president of The Frontier Lab, a nonprofit organization that seeks to increase demand for freedom and revive a unifying American character using cutting-edge behavioral science methodologies.
...While Washington did not outright order states to adopt the Core, it did require that they promise to adopt standards common to a majority of states — a description fit only by the Core — to get maximum points in the $4 billion Race to the Top competition, held at the nadir of the Great Recession. After the vast majority of states had made that promise — but many had not won money — the Obama administration declared that, to get waivers from the hated No Child Left Behind Act, they would have to either adopt the Core most had already promised to use, or standards certified “college- and career-ready” by a public university system. Washington also selected and paid for Core-aligned tests — including the Smarter Balanced assessment used by California — that would be plugged into NCLB’s testing requirements.
What about the 2015 political landscape makes you thankful?...
All politics is local....
No surprise that Hatewatch is a political tool, not an objective listing...
You can witness oppression "before there's a Starbucks on every corner"...
Your Fall fashion: revolution, Occupy, uniforms?...
According to the left-leaning Sunlight Foundation, "Thanks in part to outgoing New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, gun control groups could match or outspend gun rights forces in 2013 electoral contests, and are heading into 2014 with formidable campaign war chests." It was Bloomberg, via his "Mayors against...
'Moneymaker' districts fueled by incumbency characterize 2014 midterms...
Project Veritas published a video showing members of the nonprofit National Urban League (NUL) appearing to counsel applicants to lie on their Obamacare forms and "defraud the federal government." Alarming and quite a preview of the corruption that will come with our new bureaucracy. Helpful...
A sobering day for those of us observing the GOP's messages in the wake of Virginia and New Jersey elections. The Wall Street Journal's editorial page provides all you need to know about how the establishment is posturing Christie for President, writing that he's 1) not...
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