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Author: Mike LaChance

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Mike LaChance

Mike LaChance has been covering higher education and politics for Legal Insurrection since 2012. He has also written for American Lookout, Townhall, and Twitchy.

Since 2008 he has contributed work to the Daily Caller, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, the Center for Security Policy, the Washington Free Beacon, and Ricochet.

Mike is a Generation X, New England lifer who describes his political views as conservative and libertarian.

You can find him on Twitter @MikeLaChance33

Martin O'Malley's complaints about the lack of Democratic debates are getting louder and it's beginning to put a strain on his party. DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz was not happy about his speech at a recent event. Bradford Richardson of The Hill:
O’Malley challenges DNC over 'rigged' debate schedule Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley thinks the Democratic Party’s decision to limit the number of primary debates is tantamount to rigging the nomination process. “Four debates and only four debates — we are told, not asked — before voters in our earliest states make their decision,” the presidential candidate said at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Summer Meeting on Friday. “This sort of rigged process has never been attempted before,” he added. “One debate in Iowa. That’s it. One debate in New Hampshire. That’s all we can afford.” After O'Malley's speech wrapped up, observers noted palpable tension as he greeted DNC Chair, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Watch for the icy look she gives O'Malley in this video:

While speaking at a campaign event in the Boston area Friday night, Donald Trump was jabbing Hillary Clinton and slipped into a seemingly improvised monologue about embattled Clinton aide Huma Abedin and her husband Anthony Weiner. Josh Feldman of Mediaite:
‘Bing Bing Bing': Trump Lets Loose on ‘Perv,’ ‘Sleazebag’ Anthony Weiner Trump was talking about Hillary Clinton‘s emails and then roped her aide Huma Abedin into it due to her involvement. But then Trump also brought in her husband, “one of the great sleazebags of our time.” Yes, Trump went on a whole riff about Weiner, who infamously engaged in sexting multiple times, calling him a “perv” and saying Abedin must be “desperately in love with him” if she’s staying with him. He riled up the crowd as he talked about Weiner and Abedin, and said that it’s pretty clear she’s telling her husband about some of the email stuff.

Whenever Hillary Clinton is in trouble James Carville isn't far behind, snarling and sneering at her critics, labeling their claims as ridiculous and unfounded. Parts one and two of this horror series came out in March of this year, as soon as Hillary's email problems began. Now, he's back for the third but certainly not final chapter. Blake Seitz of the Washington Free Beacon reports:
Ragin’ Cajun James Carville is Back to Cover Hillary’s Tracks James Carville, the wily Democratic consultant who has been a close Clinton ally for more than two decades, is back on the trail to cover Hillary’s tracks. Since Clinton announced her campaign earlier this year, Carville has made the rounds on talk shows to downplay her burgeoning email scandal.

Hillary Clinton's trusted aide Huma Abedin was in the news earlier this month when it was alleged that she was overpaid while working at the State Department. A new report from Rosalind S. Helderman and Tom Hamburger of the Washington Post sheds some light on how such a thing could happen. Abedin was working multiple jobs while at the State Department:
How Huma Abedin operated at the center of the Clinton universe As Hillary Rodham Clinton was preparing for her farewell international trip as secretary of state, her close aide and confidante Huma Abedin e-mailed a small number of longtime political allies to help arrange an intimate get-together at a private club in Dublin. “Maybe we can all gather for drinks/dinner and HRC can come join for as long as she can?” Abedin wrote. The December 2012 event showcased the unique position that Abedin occupied at the apex of the Clintons’ public and private worlds during the final six months of Hillary Clinton’s tenure heading the State Department. At the time, Abedin held four jobs with four different employers — an arrangement allowed by a special government designation she held permitting outside employment. And each job had a connection to the Dublin dinner.

MSNBC is dropping the Reverend Al Sharpton's program 'PoliticsNation' from its daily lineup and moving him to a weekly slot which will air on Sunday mornings at 8 am. Alex Weprin of Politico reports:
MSNBC moves Al Sharpton to Sunday mornings Sharpton's last weekday "PoliticsNation" will be Sept. 4. He moves to Sundays a month later on Oct. 4, according to a memo sent to MSNBC staff by the channel's president Phil Griffin Wednesday evening. "I want to congratulate Al and his team. For four years they have done a terrific job bringing his voice and a big spotlight to issues of justice, civil rights and equality. And as many of you know, The Rev never missed a show," Griffin wrote in the email. "I’m looking forward to seeing what he can do with a Sunday morning newsmaker program." The 6 pm hour will temporarily be filled by "MSNBC Live," the channel's weekday news program. A permanent replacement will be named "soon after" Sharpton moves, per Griffin.

Marco Rubio made a campaign stop in New Hampshire today and dismissed Donald Trump's current front-runner status, saying that Trump will not be the Republican nominee for 2016. Sahil Kapur of Bloomberg reported:
Rubio Dismisses Trump in N.H.: He Won't Be 'Our Nominee' "Ultimately the Republican Party will reach out to all voters based on who our nominee is. And I don't believe Donald Trump will be our nominee," the Florida senator said after speaking to a small crowd outside a car service center in this town of Orford. "I think our nominee is going to be someone that embraces the future, that understands the opportunities before us, that's optimistic but realistic about the challenges before us." He acknowledged that "people are angry" and "they have a right to be," but insisted that "we should allow that anger to motivate us, but we shouldn't allow that anger to define us. We're not an angry nation. We are an optimistic nation who has every reason to be optimistic about the future."...

Martin O'Malley is angry at his own party for the lack of Democratic debates, and who could blame him? He's so starved for media attention that he's taken to bashing Donald Trump. O'Malley makes a valid point---what's the DNC so afraid of? David Sherfinski of the Washington Times reported:
Martin O’Malley rips DNC presidential debate schedule Former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley on Tuesday ripped the Democratic National Committee over its presidential debate schedule, saying Democrats aren’t going to stand for the “meddling” and “limiting of debate” the DNC is trying to pull. “There are people throughout Iowa and New Hampshire who are outraged that the Democratic party is trying to act in such an un-Democratic way,” Mr. O'Malley said on MSNBC’s “The Rundown with José Díaz-Balart.” “So I think you will see more debates. I plan to go to as many debates as I possible can.” Earlier this month, the DNC released a schedule of six presidential primary debates. The first, an Oct. 13 debate in Nevada, is followed by debates in the other early-voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina.

Missouri woman Peggy Hubbard has had enough. Following an incident in St. Louis involving a young black man and the police, she made a video message for #BlackLivesMatter and it has gone viral. Dave Urbanski of The Blaze:
Black mother Peggy Hubbard notes on her Facebook page that she’s from St. Louis. And even though she now lives north of the area’s racial turmoil, watching and listening to Hubbard’s profane-but-precise video takedown of Black Lives Matter protesters is to witness a woman who loves her hometown and hates the choices some people are making there. First Hubbard contrasted how the Black Lives Matter contingent reacted when a 9-year-old girl was fatally shot doing homework on her mother’s bed and the next night when an 18-year-old was fatally shot by police who said he pointed a gun at them. Then she asked, “Last night, who do you think they protested for? The thug. The criminal.” Then Hubbard let loose.

CNN reported last night that President Obama has given his blessing to a 2016 presidential run for Vice President Joe Biden. This news isn't completely unexpected but as Legal Insurrection readers know, it will change the landscape of the Democratic Party's 2016 primary, especially if Elizabeth Warren is involved. From CNN's report by Jeff Zeleny and Peter Morris:
Obama gives Joe Biden 'blessing' for 2016 bid Vice President Joe Biden received President Barack Obama's "blessing" to make a 2016 bid for the White House, according to a senior Democrat. But that's if Biden chooses to run -- the decision is his. While he doesn't need the President's permission, of course, a potential presidential candidacy was among the topics of their lunch Monday at the White House. The President made clear he would not stand in his way or counsel him against a run, the senior Democrat said. The Vice President was expected to huddle at his residence Monday night with Anita Dunn and Bob Bauer, the husband-and-wife team who have been at Obama's side for much of the last decade, two people familiar with the meeting told CNN. Steve Ricchetti, the Vice President's chief of staff, was also expected to attend.

The three Americans who stopped a terror attack on a train in France over the weekend were given the Legion of Honor award by French President François Hollande. CNN reports:
France honors 3 Americans, Briton for stopping train attack Three days after they pounced on and subdued a gunman Friday aboard a packed train headed to Paris, American childhood friends Anthony Sadler, Spencer Stone and Alek Skarlatos received the Legion of Honor -- France's highest recognition. The Americans, who reportedly met in middle school in California, planned on spending the summer sightseeing together. It was Sadler's first trip to Europe, and National Guardsman Skarlatos was on a monthlong break after serving in Afghanistan. Stone is an Air Force serviceman. They will return to the United States celebrated for their courage and quick action, and for exemplifying teamwork and friendship... "By their courage, they saved lives," President François Hollande said. "They gave us an example of what is possible to do in these kinds of situations."

Following the riots of this spring, Baltimore has found itself a city on the edge. In fact, Baltimore has now surpassed New York City in homicides for the year. Justin Fenton of the Baltimore Sun:
Baltimore has surpassed New York City in homicides Baltimore has surpassed New York City for homicides this year. A New York Police spokeswoman said the city had seen 208 homicides as of Wednesday. Baltimore recorded its 213th homicide Wednesday night. It's a seemingly impossible milestone -- New York has more than 8.4 million people, Baltimore just 620,000. New York peaked with 2,245 homicides in 1990, but that number has been tumbling and hit a historic low in 2014, with 328. Baltimore saw a peak of 353 killings in1993, and recorded 211 homicides in 2014. Baltimore surpasses the number of murders for all of last year, with more than four months to go. The dubious distinction comes as the mayor faces growing public criticism. Mike Hellgren reports. Adjusted for population, Baltimore's murder rate through Aug. 19 is 34 per 100,000 people, while New York's is so far this year 2.5 per 100,000. If New York had Baltimore's murder rate, it would have seen 2,874 killings already this year.

As we recently reported, Rand Paul has been dealing with the unique issue of running for president and his senate seat at the same time. Yesterday, his plans were approved. Dave Weigel of the Washington Post:
Rand Paul sells Kentucky GOP on presidential caucus Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) avoided a major headache Saturday after Kentucky Republican Party approved a rule change that would allow him to run for president while seeking reelection to his Senate seat. "I applaud the Republican Party of Kentucky on their decision to hold a caucus in the upcoming Republican presidential cycle," Paul said in a statement. "The people of Kentucky deserve a voice as the GOP chooses their next nominee, and holding a caucus will ensure that Kentucky is relevant and participates early in the process." The party's central committee approved Kentucky's first-ever presidential caucus for March 5, 2016. The vote was 111 to 36, a stronger showing than expected, after a drama that took most of the day -- ending just 20 minutes before the meeting had to end. Two-third of the central committee were needed to approve the caucus.

A member of the Air Force, a national guardsman and a college student, (all Americans) stopped a terror attack on a French train Friday night. This report from France 24 has the basic timeline of the incident:
Holidaying US servicemen foil French train attack Anthony Sadler, a student studying physical therapy at Sacramento State University, was travelling on a French train with two childhood friends ̶ Air Force serviceman Spencer Stone and Alek Skarlatos, a National Guardsman ̶ when the three heard a gunshot and breaking glass. "We heard a gunshot and we heard glass breaking behind us, and saw a train employee sprint past us down the aisle," Sadler said from France, describing the incident. They then saw the gunman entering their train car. "I didn't realise what was happening until I saw a guard run past. I looked back and saw a guy enter with a Kalashnikov. My friends and I got down and then I said, 'Let's get him'," said Skarlatos, 22, who returned from service in Afghanistan in July.

It looks like Bernie Sanders learned something from his recent run-in with #BlackLivesMatter in Seattle because he's now taking great pains to reach out to black voters. Vanessa Williams of the Washington Post:
Bernie Sanders looks to broaden his appeal in South Carolina Bernie Sanders fired up a lively crowd of supporters Friday as he began a campaign swing through this early primary state that seven years ago helped to boost the candidacy of another senator who many thought couldn’t beat the odds of winning the presidency. Sanders even made reference to President Obama’s historic election in 2008 as evidence that the country “has in fact made real progress of overcoming our legacy of historical racism … But the bad news is racism still remains a much too real part of American life.”

Dr. Ben Carson gave a speech Tuesday night to a crowd of 12,000 people at the Phoenix Convention Center. Carson was scheduled to speak at a smaller venue but the event was moved due to high demand. The Right Scoop notes that Carson drew a larger crowd than Donald Trump had at a recent event in the same city. The full speech is at the bottom of this post. It's forty minutes long and you should watch the whole thing but if you're pressed for time, here's a short report from FOX News in Phoenix: Carson touches on all the major issues of domestic and foreign policy but gets his biggest applause breaks when he talks about shrinking the size of government, fair taxation, immigration, healthcare, reducing America's debt, improving national security, and his faith in God. He takes the political fight to Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and boy does he sock it to the media. In fact, if you watch nothing else, skip to the 15 minute mark and listen to Carson explain why the media isn't supposed to take sides in American politics.

Rand Paul is dealing with some tricky rules as he tries to run for president and hold on to his senate seat at the same time. Chris Moody of CNN reports:
Rand Paul's tough choice Rand Paul has a choice: Spend nearly half a million dollars to keep his increasingly longshot presidential ambitions alive in his home state or leave the Senate. For now, he's choosing to pony up. Paul's political future rests partially in the hands of nearly 350 Republican officials in Kentucky, who will decide Saturday whether to approve a costly plan that would allow him to run in Kentucky for president and the U.S. Senate simultaneously—and possibly salvage his chances of staying in electoral politics after 2016. The proposal, which acts as a work-around of a state law that forbids candidates in Kentucky from running for two federal offices at the same time, would establish a presidential caucus in early March in addition to the state primary scheduled two months later.