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The End of Fauci’s Reign Week at Legal Insurrection

The End of Fauci’s Reign Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

Fauci’s emails have pretty much finished him. Even if he is not fired, he will never have the same influence he had over the past year.

The media looks more awful than usual right now, too.

Woke corporations have chosen poorly.

Newsom must go.


The Democrats are such hypocrites.

Oh goody.

She deserves this.

Failed cities.

Would you want his endorsement?

This is troubling.

How nice of them.

World news.

Branco cartoon!


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My earnest hope and desire is to say good bye to this sneaky, scheming, traitorous piece of you know what whose life long motto has been, “Hooray for me and Fark you.”

Is there a lottery on when Comrade Biden and the Democrat ‘news’ media propaganda machine will throw Fauci under the bus?

They’ll never do it overtly and explicitly, of course. Instead Fauci will announce he’s retiring.

Comanche Voter | June 6, 2021 at 12:09 pm

Fallacious Fauci will continue to have his posterior osculated by a fawning press.

Frank Hammond | June 6, 2021 at 12:48 pm

Saint Fauci of the Face Mask was sent to save us from the Virus with his unquestionable knowledge.

We cannot express enough thanks and gratitude to Saint Fauci for his devotion to saving the human race.

Santo Subito!

Fauci covered up the effective use of HCQ because his boss sponsored a study that resulted in the death of 500 people of average age 50 by giving them absurdly high dosages. Fauci knew HCQ worked if applied in 4 days of symptoms, but did not want others to use drug because eventually it would reveal how badly the his department screwed up in the departmental usage. Fauci is likely responsible for millions of deaths with his funding and secrecy bungling.

    RandomCrank in reply to puhiawa. | June 7, 2021 at 4:28 pm

    I think Fauci helped cover it up, and I loathe him for that and a lot else, but that site is a pack of whackjobs.