Biden Goes Beyond Gaffes Week at Legal Insurrection
All the news you may have missed.

More than once this week, Joe Biden said things that would get any other person canceled, but the media gives him a pass. These are not gaffes, they are much worse.
- Joe Biden: Latino Community Has Diverse Attitudes “Unlike the African-American Community”
- Yikes, Biden asks Black Interviewer “Are you a junkie?” then mumbles about cognitive test
His possible running mates have their own issues.
- Possible Biden VP Pick Karen Bass Flaming Out Over Past Comments on Castro and Scientology
- Lockdown Queen Gretchen Whitmer reportedly interviewed by Biden for VP slot
- Susan Rice is the Sleeper Candidate of the Joe Biden Veepstakes
Speaking of running mates…
Is there any wonder why?
- Dems fear Biden would blow it all by debating Trump
- Will Joe Biden Debate Donald Trump? (Reader Poll)
An October surprise in August?
This doesn’t fit the narrative.
More cancel culture…
- Film Center in Portland Cancels ‘Kindergarten Cop’ After Critics Liken it to ‘Birth of a Nation’
- White House video of America’s Frontline Doctors gets full cancel culture treatment
Cuomo has lost it.
- Andrew Cuomo Now Basically Begging Wealthy New Yorkers to Return to the City
- Bar Criticizes Cuomo’s Food Mandates, Has Liquor License Suspended
Over 70 days now.
- Violence in Portland Still Rages With No Fed Involvement
- Portland’s “peaceful protesters” use fears of environmental contamination & COVID in complaints against use of tear gas
A totally normal thing for someone in media to say.
World news.
- Massive explosion rocks Beirut port (Updates)
- Japan Offers Huge Subsidies to Companies Willing to Quit China
- Iranian Police Demand More Officers To Enforce Hijab Requirement on Women
Branco cartoons!

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Not your normal August doldrums
After explaining to ta friend WHY I feel the Presidential Debates between O’Biden and Trump would be an example of Elder Abuse that I would not take any joy in watching. It then occurred to me that if the life-long-ultra-partisan-politician-dirty-pool-multi-millionaire-never-had-a-real-job and Creepy-Uncle Joe could not handle political debates, as the Democrats are now signalling, he is certainly not up to the rigors of the Office of the President. Trump should be debating the Democrat-Selected-to-Succeed-Quid-Pro-Joe.
So, they have the VP nominee (Either Rice or Whitmer) debate Trump in person. Biden remains on the ballot, but officially becomes a placeholder for his VP.