Gallup: 60% Support Trump’s handling of pandemic, overall support surges to 49%

If you only listened to Democrat politicians and read the mainstream media and Twitter, you’d think that the nation was soundly against Trump’s handling of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.

It is a vicious little bubble of malignant personalities and broken souls whose sole job is to damage Trump at all costs, even if it harms the nation and working people. We’ve covered these disgusting extortionists and liars many times in the past weeks:

This list is likely to grow as the media and Democrats become more desperate as the public support for Trump’s efforts solidifies and grows.

The disconnect between the liberal bubble and reality has been emerging in recent polling:

This trend has Democrats worried, particularly with Joe Biden performing a disappearing act, Biden has all but disappeared during Wuhan coronavirus crisis, as #WhereIsJoe? trends. Peter Daou, a longtime Hillary supporter, tweeted his frustration:

People, I mean this sincerely: #whereisjoe?Trump is in front of the cameras every day, reassuring people, putting on the appearance of “leadership.”Where is #Biden? Why isn’t he dominating the airwaves???* * *And: Two new polls show Trump with majority approval on his handling of the #pandemic.If Dem leaders think this crisis will definitely damage him, they are greatly mistaken.If they cede the appearance of leadership to him, it’s a major problem.


To anyone doing victory laps hailing the end of Trump’s presidency, contemplate these poll numbers…Trump intends to outflank establishment Dems from the left, stealing #Bernie’s policies to manage the crisis, then call himself a successful “wartime” president.* * *TAKE NOTE, DEMS:Team Trump may be morally bankrupt, but they’re not stupid.Trump sees the #pandemic as way to boost his polls and take even more control. He’s already outflanked Dem leaders on progressive policies. And yet again, Dem leaders are like deer in headlights.

Add a just-released Gallup poll to the mix, showing Trump’s overall support surging 5% to 49%:

President Donald Trump may be enjoying a small rally in public support as the nation faces the COVID-19 pandemic. Forty-nine percent of U.S. adults, up from 44% earlier this month, approve of the job Trump is doing as president. Trump also had 49% job approval ratings — the best of his presidency — in late January and early February around the time of the Senate impeachment trial that resulted in his acquittal.Independents’ and Democrats’ approval of Trump’s performance has increased slightly since earlier this month, tying as the best he has registered to date among each group. The president’s approval rating among Republicans was already above 90%, and remains so — but is not currently his highest on record (94% in late January).

Driving this overall surge, according to Gallup, is that 60% support Trump’s handling of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic, with a positive spread of 22% (60-38):

Trump’s response to the novel coronavirus pandemic may be behind his higher overall approval rating. Americans give the president generally positive reviews for his handling of the situation, with 60% approving and 38% disapproving. Ninety-four percent of Republicans, 60% of independents and 27% of Democrats approve of his response.

Panic time for Democrats?

Tags: Anthony Fauci, Gallup Poll, Trump Popularity, Wuhan Coronavirus