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September 2016

FBI Director James Comey has continued to face criticism over his bureau's investigation into Hillary Clinton's email, including the numerous immunity deals given to her aides. Well, it turns out, the FBI didn't give immunity to Cheryl Mills, a longtime aide:
"Who authorized granting Cheryl Mills immunity?" Rep. John Sensenbrenner asked. "It's a decision made by the Department of Justice, I don't know at what level inside," Comey responded. "In our investigations, any kind of immunity comes from the prosecutors, not the investigators."

Perhaps John Warner's biggest claim to fame is a distinction he shares with a good-sized chunk of the older male demographic: having once been married to Elizabeth Taylor. But the former Republican senator from Virginia found another way to get himself some attention today: by endorsing Hillary for president. Interviewed by Andrea Mitchell on her MSNBC show this afternoon, Warner managed to make his endorsement mainly about himself. In the course of their brief conversation, Warner let it be known: that he had been on the lawn for the famous handshake between Rabin and Araft; that he had served in both the Navy and the Marines; that he devoted much of his life "I say with a sense of humility" to national security; that he had been a leader on the Armed Services committee for 30 years; that he had been Hillary's "boss" as the Chairman of the Armed Services Committee; and that the voters in Virginia had "supported me so strongly."

Rasmea Odeh is the terrorist member of the military wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine who was convicted in Israel in 1970 of the 1969 bombing the SuperSol supermarket in Jerusalem that killed two Hebrew University students, Edward Joffe and Leon Kanner. Rasmea also was convicted of the attempted bombing of the British Consulate. [caption id="attachment_130203" align="alignnone" width="600"][Edward Joffe, overlooking Jerusalem] [Edward Joffe, overlooking Jerusalem. Photo provided by family.][/caption]

DEVELOPING: Officials have reported three injuries, two children and one teacher, at Townville Elementary School in Townville, SC, on Wednesday afternoon. Fox News reports:
The Greenville News reported that two children were injured and a man was found dead near the school. A suspect is reportedly in custody. Lt. Sheila Cole with the Anderson County Sheriff’s Office said deputies had received reports of a possible shooting but she could confirm that a shooting had occurred, the station reported. Police units from multiple law enforcement agencies were on their way to the scene.

Yesterday, I wrote about today's Senate vote expected to override Obama's veto and today they voted overwhelmingly to do just that. Fox News reports:
The Senate voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to overturn President Obama’s veto of a bill letting families of Sept. 11 victims sue the Saudi Arabian government, bringing Congress within reach of completing the first successful veto override of Obama’s presidency. The Senate voted 97-1 to reject the veto. The measure heads next to the House, where lawmakers will need to muster a two-thirds majority, as in the Senate, to override.

International prosecutors have concluded that a Buk missile from Russia shot down Malaysia Airlines MH17 over east Ukraine in July 2014, killing all 298 people on board. Russia has constantly denied any involvement in the incident, which came months after Ukraine spiraled into a civil war after parliament ousted Russian-backed President Viktor Yanukovych. East Ukraine split from the pro-Europe west and pledged allegiance to Russia.

The migrant crisis that began almost a year ago is threatening to take a violent turn after this week’s bombings in the eastern German city on Dresden. On Monday evening, two bombs exploded near a mosque and city's main convention centre. Early next week, the convention centre would be hosting an event expected to be attended by high-profile guests including Germany's President Joachim Gauck. German Chancellor Angela Merkel is also going to visit the former East German city of Dresden on the same day to mark the German Unification Day. According to German media, no one was injured in the explosions. Local police suspects a Far-Right group to be behind the incident. "[Dresden Police] have reason to suspect a xenophobic motive," City's police chief Horst Kretzschmar told the press.

It's been seven years since the passage of the Affordable Care Act and the White House is still having trouble selling it to Americans, especially Millennials. The problem is that Obamacare needs the money of healthy young people to survive, so the White House is trying a new push. The Business Insider reports:
The White House is kicking off a big push to fix Obamacare's largest problem Obamacare needs millennials, so the White House is going after them. The White House, the Department of Health and Human Services, the secretary of education, and private groups convened in Washington on Tuesday for the Affordable Care Act Millennial Outreach and Engagement Summit.

Companies in Israel's natural gas field has signed a $10 billion agreement with Jordan to supply the country with gas, thus pushing Israel into a natural gas powerhouse. The Wall Street Journal reported:
Noble Energy Inc. of Houston and its partners in the Leviathan gas field will supply Amman-based National Electric Power Co. with 1.6 trillion cubic feet of gas over 15 years, the company said. Leviathan is the largest natural-gas reserve in Israeli waters. The country’s officials hope development of the field can spur regional exports and deepen economic and diplomatic ties with some traditionally hostile neighbors such as Jordan, which has few energy sources of its own.

Mika is Woman: hear her roar! Mika Brzezinski had a suggestion for Donald Trump on today's Morning Joe. After Hillary, in the debate, "cleaned his clock" and "wiped the floor" with him, Mika suggested that Trump might want to "bow down" in acknowledgement of the strength of women. Mika was still furious after an opening segment in which she and the other panelists trashed Trump for having, among other things, "weight shamed" a former Miss Universe. Admitted Mika "just to be shallow, I have to say given all his comments about women . . . I'm really glad that a woman cleaned his clock. I'm really glad that she wiped the floor with him. I love it. I love it."