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TONE DOWN THE RHETORIC. Guess what, leftists. You cannot have it both ways. You want President Donald Trump to tone down his rhetoric then you guys must do the same thing. First, we had Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) tweet out San Antonio donors because they fuel "a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as 'invaders.'" Then we had MSNBC anchor Nicolle Wallace stress that Trump talks "about exterminating Latinos" during a conversation with USA Today columnist Raul Reyes. Now Reyes isn't innocent either as he claimed Trump "basically declared open season on Latinos."

A senior adviser for named Karine Jean-Pierre warned that President Donald  Trump's presidency could lead to a civil war during an appearance on MSNBC's Morning Joe on Monday. Is this an example of the incitement of violence the left loves to lecture about to the public?

MSNBC host Donny Deutsch went on an astounding rant in which he shattered whatever remaining mirage of unbiased, nonpartisan objectivity the leftstream media clung to in hopes of winning over skeptical viewers. Deutsch said that "we" (presumably Democrats and their media lapdogs) are "at war" and should do "whatever we have to do" to put "him [Trump] in jail."

During the crowded Democrat presidential debate, preference was given first to Elizabeth Warren, who bombed her big opportunity and so shifted to Kamala Harris. Less popular candidates were given substantially less air time and were frequently iced out (see Delaney) and all but completely ignored. Both Andrew Yang and Marianne Williamson claim their mics were shut off unless they were called on, unlike other candidates whose mics were on throughout the entire debate.

MSNBC host and conspiracy theorist Rachel Maddow will moderate the first Democratic primary debate along with NBC anchors Jose Diaz-Balart, Savannah Guthrie, Lester Holt, and Chuck Todd. Maddow is the only one out of those who host an opinion-based TV show, which caused some people to raise eyebrows. It does not help that Maddow has dived into numerous conspiracy theories since President Donald Trump took office.

Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) appeared on a segment of MSNBC's "Hate in America" special on Memorial Day to answer questions from Hardball host Chris Matthews on white supremacy and anti-Semitism in America. During the interview, Lewis told Matthews he believes that the election of President Donald Trump stopped America from heading in the positive direction during past Democratic administrations.

There was no media figure more humiliated and shamed by the actual facts about the supposed Trump-Russia conspiracy than MSNBC's Rachel Maddow.  She was all-in on the Russian conspiracy, collusion, Manchurian candidate fantasy.  All. In.  Night after night she regaled her audience with her tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, and they lapped it up.

Republicans aren't the only ones concerned about Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez's complete ignorance of basic economics, or the fact that she's taking her horrible ideas mainstream. AOC fought against Amazon's bid to build a headquarters in New York City, prompting Amazon to back out of the potential deal. Had the deal gone through, Amazon would've brought roughly 25,000 new jobs to the community, not to mention the other immeasurable economic benefits. Worse still, AOC celebrated Amazon's decision to look elsewhere. Amazon and other New York City politicians were not kind in their criticism of Ocasio-Cortez.

In April of this year, Laura Ingraham of FOX News faced a full-blown boycott campaign for being mildly critical of David Hogg. Just last week, comedian Kevin Hart lost his gig as host of the Oscars when the media dredged up gay jokes he made on Twitter years ago. Yesterday, Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC's Morning Joe, used a gay slur to describe Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Where is the angry mob? Why does Mika get a pass?