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Author: Fuzzy Slippers

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Fuzzy Slippers

I am a constitutional conservative, a writer, and an editor.

Follow me on Twitter @fuzislippers

I'm so old I remember when the media would flop onto the nearest fainting couch at the sight of a protester exercising his or her Second Amendment rights.  Remember the wails of horror, fear, and outrage we were treated to when Tea Party activists and, more recently, anti-lockdown protesters were shown lawfully openly carrying perfectly lawful firearms at protests?

If you're feeling a bit overwhelmed by the whiplash movement from Wuhan coronavirus confinement and isolation to instant, rampant riots, arson, looting, and murder in the nation's biggest cities, you're not alone, but do take heart.  The radical leftist proposal to "defund the police" is reportedly supported by only, as HuffPo puts it, "self-described liberals."

The decision of police officers to take a knee based on heckling from the woke mobs is obviously an individual one.  We've seen New York City's top uniformed cop take a knee, and most of us cringed.  We've seen cops washing the feet of black "faith leaders," and most of us cringed.  Likewise, we cheer when a police officer asserts that he kneels for no one but God.

In the absence of elected leadership and in the face of police standing by and watching looting in Chicago, Latin gangs are protecting their local businesses and running would be looters out of their neighborhoods.  It's hard to fault them for it, but do we really want street gangs acting as law enforcement?

I've written well over 1,500 posts for Legal Insurrection over the years, and one that stands out in my memory as a heartbreaking emblem of "woke" culture was a post about a school in New York City that was teaching little K-8 white children they were "born racist."  Children were coming home in tears, telling their parents that they were "a bad person."

Back in 2018, Katy Grimes wrote about leftist billionaire George Soros funneling millions into U.S. District Attorney races across the country. Apparently, the investment is paying off now.  Soros-backed Saint Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner reportedly declined to prosecute those arrested for looting and rioting.  More than 30 people were released from jail.

Earlier this week, a couple of social media hoaxes attempting to tie President Trump to the death of George Floyd went viral. The intent is to put a good crisis to good use, and "good use" for today's Democrats/left always means damaging Trump. For the left, it's always Orange Man Bad, and this attempt to tie both the actual George Floyd incident and the resulting riots to Trump is worth noting.