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Wisconsin Tag

What a night last night was.  It was as good as if not better than when Scott Brown won in January 2010. Almost 20,000 people viewed the live feed during the 4 hours it was live. I hope everyone enjoyed the fireworks display and music. We...

We will stay live until the results are in. You can comment in the Live Feed with any of the usual social media user i.d.’s such as Twitter, Facebook and Open ID (Google, Yahoo, etc.). Your Legal Insurrection log in will NOT work. Please log into...

The coverage of the Wisconsin recall results and live discussion will start at around 8:15 p.m. Eastern. The polls close at 9 p.m. Eastern. Bring protective eyewear....

Manic high or low.  That's how people are going to be feeling after the Wisconsin Recall results come in tomorrow night. I want to get high. Turnout in Wisconsin will be everything.  The latest PPP poll shows a 3-point margin for Walker, based on a more enthusiastic...

Desperate times give rise to desperate actions, and we just witnessed one of the most bumbled desperation passes since someone forgot the history of typewriter fonts. Why bother with the accustion, let's just get to the most enjoyable images of the bubble bursting, via Daily Kos: And...

Remember that next Tuesday is the recall election in Wisconsin. A good Marquette poll yesterday deflated hopes on the left that the recall race was tightening.  But Walker is not taking any chances, releasing this ad against Barrett: More devastating news for the recall effort is that public...

There already are efforts to bus supporters of the recall to the polls for early voting. There's nothing illegal or unethical about that, so long as only eligible voters vote.  But it's a reminder that some good polling is not a substitute for going to the...

Via HotAir, a new poll out has Scott Walker up by 9 points in the Wisconsin recall against Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, with almost no one undecided: While other polls also show Walker in the lead, no one is suggesting that this race is anywhere near over....

Via MacIver Institute: After refining the dataset created by Verify the Recall, a Wisconsin man began running it against other public records and discovered 571 tax delinquents signed Recall petitions. His findings? The total in back taxes owed by petitioners is more than $17 million. The list...

While the Democrats battle extremes within their party in tomorrow's recall primary in Wisconsin, Governor Scott Walker faces his own challenge in the Republican primary. Arthur Kohl-Riggs, a 23-year-old self-described "progressive Republican" who dresses like Abraham Lincoln and frequently appears at rallies around the state, is...

This Tuesday, democrats in Wisconsin will cast their votes to determine who will be the democratic challenger to Republican Governor Scott Walker in the upcoming June recall election. The democratic candidates, Kathleen Falk and Tom Barrett, display two ends of the Democratic party. Falk, the far-left...

One big advantage Democrats in Wisconsin have is the college student vote.  These students, many of whom are from out of state and have no real connection to Wisconsin, were a big part of the Prosser-Kloppenburg turnout in Madison.  In a close election, they could be the...

While Richard Mourdock is rising, don't count Dick Lugar out.  He's throwing everything he has at Mourdock this week, each day multiple new accusations.  A poll just out shows Lugar with a two point lead, via National Journal: Sen. Richard Lugar and Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock...

or a way to motivate the opposition to Walker? You be the judge.  The argument is that anti-Walker forces, particularly the younger newer voters, just aren't motivated. From Wade Rathke, founder of ACORN, Huge Obstacles to Beating Scott Walker in Wisconsin Recall: The life-and-death struggle in Wisconsin to...

Two standout appearances at Chicago's Tea Party this Monday were familiar faces from Saturday's Wisconsin event: BigJournalism's Dana Loesch and Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch. These two women, working moms who are relatively recent entrants into the political fray, are examples of one of the most...

A PPP poll for Daily Kos shows Gov. Scott Walker in a good position: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker leads all of his Democratic challengers in the Wisconsin recall election, per a new Public Policy Polling poll out this afternoon. Walker, the incumbent governor, has a 5-point lead...

Thanks to Charlie Sykes for reminding us that Scott Walker is not the only target in the June 5 Wisconsin recall elections: Other conservative moms have been subjected sexist attacks, but few have had to endure the volume of vile epithets raw hate directed at Becky. She has...