Washington Post | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 4
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Out of all the things Washington Post "fact-checker" Glenn Kessler to fact-check he chose Republican South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott's grandfather. Kessler chose to fact-check the only black Republican senator's grandfather's history. Totally not a coincidence Kessler's piece comes out the day after Scott was chosen to deliver the Republican rebuttal to President Joe Biden's State of the Union.

Democrats have spent months pressing Joe Biden not to concede the election, in Hillary Clinton's words, "under any circumstances."  They've been war-gaming what to do if President Trump wins the election by winning the Electoral College (and losing the meaningless popular vote).  They've made it quite clear that the only acceptable result to them is a Biden win.

Nick Sandmann, the Covington High School teenager who was smeared by mainstream media outlets after he stood toe to toe with a professional protester during the march for life, was asked to speak at last night's RNC. Sandmann experienced the full wrath of a national cancellation campaign perpetrated by the media, celebrities, and even higher education.