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Unions Tag

Workers of the South, unite:
The workers at the VW plant in Chattanooga voted 712-626 to stay out of the union after a lobbying fight in which Republican politicians warned unionization could lead Volkswagen and automobile companies to leave the state. Union officials...blamed politicians who had warned workers that by joining they union, they could hurt their own economic interests. ...UAW officials vowed they would not give up in their effort to organize workers in the South, a region that historically has been much more difficult to unionize.
Give up? Never. They are patient.

It was "just" a Mayor's race, but it's a tale of how unions funnel money to decide elections, often behind the scenes. The Boston Globe has the scoop, American Federation of revealed as funder behind mysterious pro-Walsh PAC during mayoral campaign (h/t @dbernstein):
Organizers of One Boston, the mysterious political action committee that dumped $480,000 into the Boston mayoral campaign during its final days, confirmed to the Globe today that the American Federation of Teachers funded the group’s efforts to swing the race in favor of Mayor-elect Martin J. Walsh. In a complicated series of transactions, the AFT — a powerful national teachers union — gave the money to One New Jersey, a teachers union-backed political action committee. That group then donated those funds to One Boston, a local affiliate set up to spend money in the Boston mayoral race.

Upworthy is the wildly popular low-information-by-design website which has fine-tuned the ability to turn 2-3 sentence (at most) liberal memes viral.  Often, the meme consists entirely of the title, with some seemingly obvious liberal talking point that is only superficially obvious, but actually cannot withstand scrutiny. Which is why no scrutiny is given in the posts. You may recall my posts: Upworthy has turned a section of its website over the the AFL-CIO, presumably for a hefty payment.  The section is called Workonomics. This post and the video have been around for a while, but just came to my attention, 2 Monkeys Were Paid Unequally; See What Happens Next.  There is no text after that, just a note to watch starting at the 1:34 mark. Spoiler Alert:  One monkey gets grapes after giving lab technician a rock, other monkey gets slices of cucumber.  Monkey which gets cucumbers is jealous and throws cucumber at lab technician.  Therefore?

Maybe some things just need to fail for the greater good. Here's a good example of a system that needs to fail because it's consuming its public host.  The parasite and the host can't both survive. Via Michael Graham, Massachusetts Unions Reach Their Ultimate Goal: More “Collecting”...

I have pointed out before how In RI, Public Sector Unions Are The State and how behind almost every Democratic politician there stands a union. So the latest news is not surprising.  Via ProJo, Laborers' union again gives two R.I. Senate leaders six-figure compensation: Annual reports showing the...

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit has upheld the Wisconsin union law that was the subject of massive protests in 2011, including a takeover of the State Capitol and widespread threats and acts of intimidation.   The decision was unanimous in most respects. ...

Today, 8,000 bus workers and aides went on strike in New York City at 6a.m. this morning to protest the city's attempts to cut costs by putting their contracts up for bid to private bus companies. The last time school bus drivers went on strike...

Steven Crowder released this "unedited" video yesterday of the Michigan union protests that resulted in him being sucker punched. I'm not sure the video adds anything new.  If you look at the several videos already posted here, you get the full picture of very aggressive union protesters...

There are multiple videos shot by different people, including a local news station, showing union members in Lansing yesterday engaged in violent actions against Steven Crowder and others at the Americans For Prosperity tent. The videos were shot from several angles and sides of the tent.  The union members are...

The person in this video, whose (mug) shot is below, is seen on the now-famous video throwing punches at Steven Crowder. How long before he is identified? And will he be prosecuted? Language Warning for video: (added) This video shows the attack from a reverse angle and gives...

UPDATE: Both bills (for private and public sectors) passed the House. 5:45 p.m. Bills have been signed into law: Snyder: I've signed these bills #righttowork…— Jonathan Oosting (@jonathanoosting) December 11, 2012 "I view this as opporotunity to stand up for Michigan workers. Freedom to choose...

I haven't been following this closely, but it bears attention.  The Michigan legislature last week passed "right to work" legislation which would deprive unions of automatic union dues deductions, among other things. Already protests similar to what took place in Wisconsin have started at the Capitol...