Tucker Carlson | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 4
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Unlike the BLM and Antifa mobs that rioted and burned their way through American cities for much of last year, many of the people involved in the Capitol riot of January 6th are sitting in jail. One man who is being held even claims he has been beaten by jail guards.

Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz was the subject of an explosive report in the New York Times yesterday. The newspaper alleged Gaetz was involved with a 17-year-old girl. There are also claims of sex trafficking. The whole thing is very bizarre. Gaetz responded in an appearance on the Tucker Carlson show.

The 'never let a crisis go to waste' crew are busily turning Wednesday's Capitol riot into their very own Reichstag fire, using it as the premise by which to ban President Trump across social media and now, apparently, to go after cable companies for being complicit in "spreading disinformation" by giving Fox News a platform.