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Trump Derangement Syndrome Tag

Maxine Waters is frustrated. She desperately wants to impeach Donald Trump for something, as we highlighted in an earlier post, Maxine Waters: We need investigation to find evidence to impeach Trump:
On Joy Reid’s MSNBC show this morning, Dem Rep. Maxine Waters doubled down on her earlier statement thatmy greatest desire is to lead [President Trump] right into impeachment.”

A Jewish cemetery near St. Louis saw over 100 gravestones overturned. The criticism of this act is deserved, regardless of whether it was the result of non-anti-Semitic hooliganism or an act of intended anti-Semitism. Either way, it is an act of religious intimidation. What is not deserved is the attempt to blame it on Trump, which is the suggestion of much media and social media attention, and Democratic Party spin.

The MSM is falsely portraying President Trump as having alleged on Saturday that a "terror" attack had occurred the night before in Sweden. Take, for example, this NBC story headlined "Donald Trump Explains Sweden Terror Comment That Baffled a Nation." In addition to the misleading headline, the story includes a video clip of President Trump making his remarks. The chyron at the bottom of the screen reads "President Trump appears to refer to a non-existent terror incident in Sweden." But if you listen to the president's remarks, you'll see that he never mentioned terror. He said: "The bottom line: we've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening in Germany. You look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden! Who would believe this? Sweden! They took in large numbers, they're having problems like they never thought possible."

In my day job, I have a variety of clients requiring assistance with complex environmental health and safety regulations.  One of these organizations is part of a federal agency that is about to feel the full force of President Trump's pen and phone. Many of the employees in that office are quite upset about the impending change in government policies. A standard practice in federal government offices and military sites is to have an official portrait of the President of the United States (sometimes paired with one of the Vice President). An early step in the process of transition was the removal of the Obama/Biden portraits from installations and institutions.

The hysteria surrounding the election of President Trump has seeped into retail.  From Ivanka products to Trump wine, the regressive left is trying to rouse Americans to boycott all things Trump. Last week, some group of crybaby leftists demanded that Wegmans stop selling Trump wine because they don't like Trump.  When they learned that they couldn't bully Wegmans, they instead put out a call for Wegmans' shoppers to stop buying Trump wine. Predictably, this had the exact opposite effect, with Trump wine flying off the shelves and into Trump supporters' shopping carts.

Congressional Black Caucus member Rep. Hakeem Jeffries has called presidential assistant Steve Bannon a "stone-cold racist." Jeffries offered that description during an interview with Katy Tur on her MSNBC show yesterday in explaining why it would be "hard" for him to attend a meeting between President Trump and the CBC if Bannon were present.

Shades of Alice in Wonderland's Queen: "sentence first — verdict afterwards." On Joy Reid's MSNBC show this morning, Dem Rep. Maxine Waters doubled down on her earlier statement that "my greatest desire is to lead [President Trump] right into impeachment." Asked by Reid on what grounds she would impeach the president, Waters offered no evidence but said "I believe" there's a connection between Ukraine, Trump, and Russia, and "I think" Trump "colluded" with Putin during the election.

While I'm enjoying the progressive meltdown as much as the next person, it may be time to think about countering the "resistance."  We would do well to think about the impact the pressure from the raging "resistance" is likely to have not on their own party but on Republicans in Congress and, perhaps to a lesser extent, on the Trump administration. From the "women's march" to airport protests to flooding into GOP town halls, the progressive left is making itself heard among the very Republicans President Trump will need to keep his agenda moving forward.  These are the McCains, the Grahams, the Collins', the Murkowskis, and others whose votes do matter (even if we close our eyes and wish really really hard that they don't). Republicans who loved the Gang of Eight amnesty plan, who are foreign policy hawks, and who want to keep ObamaCare and Common Core—i.e. those who believed that the only way to win elections was to become more like Democrats—are looking at all this, and what they see is not what we see.

Milo Yiannopoulos isn't the only conservative who needed a security escort from a public event in California this week. So did one of our state's Congressmen:
Congressman Tom McClintock, a Republican from California, on Saturday faced a rowdy crowd at a packed town hall meeting in Northern California, and had to be escorted by police as protesters followed him shouting "Shame on you!"

Message from MSNBC to you hicks out in the sticks: the people who gave us Le Pen, Brexit and now, Trump represent the "real problem." Unlike we city dwellers, you don't "mix" and "get along together" with people from "cosmopolitan cultures." That was the word from MSNBC contributor and Daily Beast Editor Christopher Dickey, speaking from Paris with Joy Reid today. Discussing the hold that President Trump has placed on immigration from seven named countries, Dickey began by claiming that people in Europe, especially in European governments, "think Trump has lost his mind." Then there was the obligatory Hitler allusion: in Europe "they remember what fascism was like. In the United States, we've been spared that—at least up until now."

As the prof so clearly explained, the progressive outrage at President Trump's refugee executive order is rooted in lies, more lies, and . . . yes, still more lies (the partial stay not withstanding as most of the EO stands).  Not content with their failed Occupy, BLM, and "women's march," they are now organizing to disrupt travel and otherwise make complete . . . erm, spectacles of themselves.  After all, nothing turns public opinion quite as quickly as loud, obnoxious, mis- and ill-informed lefties clogging up one's travel plans. The protesters, protesting President Trump's non-existent "Muslim ban," swarmed airports in Democrat strongholds on the coasts.

Mental health scientists will surely add a new term the next time they gather: Trumpophobia, the fear of all things pertaining to America's new president. Trumpophobia is not confined to the usual set of social justice warriors, either. Supposedly reasoned and experienced scientists have become unhinged over the past week, as Trump vigorously began fulfilling campaign promises.

The Women's March on Washington, and in many other mostly liberal cities, is being portrayed as the launch of a new "resistance" to Donald Trump and Republicans. The use of the term "resistance" is not by accident. It conjures up the heroism and selflessness of the French Resistance and the Resistance movements in other Nazi-occupied countries. Since Trump is equated to Hitler in so much of liberal rhetoric, it is -- in their minds -- the appropriate analogy.

The New York Times editorial board entitled their traditional post-inaugural address commentary, "What President Trump Doesn't Get About America."  What it reveals, however, is quite different.  While one can reasonably expect an op-ed to lean in a particular direction and address policy differences, the editorial board's main criticism of President Trump's inauguration speech is centered on his, to their minds, unflattering portrait of America. Seemingly still reeling from "their" loss in November, the board focuses on the parts of Trump's speech that Obama could have easily read in his own first inauguration.  Former president Obama's 2009 inaugural address, however, was met with gushing enthusiasm for his unflattering portrait of America as "in decline" and "in crisis."

Talk about mansplaining . . . could Michael Moore possibly have been any more patronizing and condescending to women? Appearing on Joy Reid's MSNBC show this morning, Moore approvingly cited and adopted actor John Leguizamo's proposition that women who voted for Donald Trump were "victims" who did so out of "ingrained misogyny and sexism." Those poor, confused women Trump voters who thought they had the ability to make decisions for themselves. The dearies didn't realize that they had been subconsciously programmed and were nothing more than—to use a favorite Rush phrase—mind-numbed robots.