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Trump Derangement Syndrome Tag

Just when I thought it couldn't get worse for Lanny Davis, the lawyer for President Donald Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen, it has and yes it includes CNN. It all goes back to that explosive CNN report in July when "sources" told the network that Cohen claimed Trump knew about the "dirt" meeting at Trump Tower with Russians. BuzzFeed reported on Monday night that source was Davis himself. Here's the buried lede: Davis came out as the source of the story, but CNN's report stated that Davis declined to comment on the story.

Robert Reich, who served as Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration, has taken on a new role as a leader of the progressive resistance movement. Like many others on the left, Reich is taking unhinged rhetoric to new levels.

Only a few months ago, "comedian" Michelle Wolf gave a cringe-worthy performance at the annual White House Correspondents' dinner.  During that disastrous bit, Wolf crossed several lines of decency, particularly in her personal attacks on White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.  So onerous were her remarks that even leftists commended Sanders for her dignified behavior during Wolf's onslaught. That was in April, news broke yesterday that Netflix has cancelled Wolf's show after only ten episodes.  Apparently, many of those associated with the show found out about it on Twitter.

The most Hollywood thing to have happened has happened in West Hollywood. The municipalities five-member city council approved a proposal to remove Trump's star from the Hollywood Walk of Fame. They claim vandalism and demonstrations are the reason behind their decision. And also Trumps "treatment of women and his views on climate change." Oh yes, and there's also the "decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement, a ban on transgender military officers and the separation of families at the U.S. border with Mexico, among reasons for the removal." Basically, everything.

Has-been talk-show host and former actor Rosie O'Donnell is trolling President Trump. Reports are circulating that O'Donnell, whose only claims to fame in recent years are allegations of illegal campaign donations and divorcing her wife, will be joining some protest at which gaggles of #Resistance protesters will sing Broadway tunes in the general direction of the White House.

Trump Derangement Syndrome strikes again. A Massachusetts woman has been arrested for allegedly using her car to ram another driver's vehicle because it has a Trump bumper sticker on the back of it. The victim wisely took video of the incident.

Robert Mueller did not start Trump Derangement Syndrome. That started before the 2016 election, but went ballistic when Trump won. #TheResistance movement immediately went into crisis attack mode, trying to intimidate Electors and to delegitimize the election result.

Rather than waning, Trump Derangement Syndrom gets worse the longer Trump serves in the Oval Office. Even for a once staunch opposer of Trump like myself, Trump's governance has been far less threatening than I ever imagined, leaving me and many others pleasantly surprised. In the age of personal truths and disregard for anything tethered to reality or absoluteness, it makes sense that those whose personal truth requires perpetual outrage even when circumstances don't require hysterics, would find an abundance of ways to distort reality into something subjectively alarming.